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  • Gender
  • Location
    Definitely Somewhere
  • Occupation
    Professional Warden
  • Interests
    Team Fortress 2, good wardens, and long walks on the beach
  • Bio
    My discord is Eurae #7777 . Add me if you want to catch up!

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  • XBOX Live
    Autismal Depths

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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. Made my name Eurae from AutismalDepths, I much prefer my current name over AD.
    Is TF2 Jailbreak still around? 

    1. Admiral MacK

      Admiral MacK

      It's been over a year since the server was last up...

    2. brgr.


      AutismalDepths > Eurae

      What admiral said though, jb is a big rip.

    3. Eurae


      What? Oh, that blows. I haven't been here since aug 2017, and a lot has changed 


  2. You ever gonna be back around? Haven't seen you since I was a Recruit the first time around.

    (In case he actually logs on for some reason)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eurae


      Oh, shit, Teamspeak? lmaoo, I haven't used that since HG. It's all about discord now!
      Jokes aside, maybe! I hope you're having a good day, man.

    3. Admiral MacK

      Admiral MacK

      We've got a public HG discord now (www.discord.gg/jhsCNTx); no voice channels though. Quite a few changes through HG since you've last been on. I've been good, hope things have been good for you as well!

      TS3 IP if you need it: voice.hellsgamers.com:2012 (Poke me if you don't have tags)

    4. Eurae


      The website looks slick since last time! I'll hop onto the discord and say hi, I'll use the TS3 later.

      And things have been awesome, great to hear it from ya. :)

  3. It was fun, guys. Hope to see you guys later! :)

  4. Happy birthday! :)

    1. Eurae


      Thank you, man! I really appreciate it! :)

  5. Happy birthday!

  6. happy birthday!

    1. Eurae


      Thanks, boxxy! ;)

  7. ReeD

    Happy birthday duud,

    1. Eurae


      Thanks, reed! ilybb

  8. Is anyone up for TF2 JB later? Let me know ; )

    1. Adam Cole

      Adam Cole

      If it gets populated I'll join

    2. Eurae


      that's how I usually am about it, too

  9. Always nice to see a newcomer! Welcome to the forums!
  10. Musique Vol 1 is why i'm still Alive (2001)

  11. if your name is ReeD and you're not an RD, you're a poser.

  12. welcome babe, hmu if you want to play TF2 sometime
  13. second time leaving a comment for your profile pic, but heck it

    that archer pic looks dapper as fuck

  14. Eurae

    Secure Me A Date!

    how the heck is it going to work now that you've admitted to not understanding it? smh
  15. Eurae

    Secure Me A Date!

    haiku: your skin bears beauty your quality is unmatched a great find indeed