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bobbythed last won the day on September 24 2020

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About bobbythed

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    West Coast = Best Coast!
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    Nitpicky JB Mod

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  1. Great job with these Lucas! He was promoted in August, this is news in July.
  2. I personally prefer an AK47 in most situations. This is mainly because I use it more in comp and am better at controlling its recoil than the M4. It also kills unarmored Ts with 3 body shots so the slower rate of fire actually does not mean a slower time to kill. Using less bullets is relevant as I will often use the majority of my ammo in a full round. I use an M4 on CT mainly so I can have a real skin to track stattrak with (you cannot use real AK skins on CT with how JB works right now). I switch to the AWP/scout (from their main cell spawns) if I know there is a gun in stack as I will be going for risky headshots. Also if I know its an admin room round I grab an AWP in armory to go for the wallbangs. As for pistols I think I've decided that the elites are the best. The only time I use a pistol is if I'm out of ammo in my rifle, and that usually happens when dealing with multiple rebelling ts. This is almost always at close range and the ammo capacity is the biggest necessity at that point. Also if I'm bored it lets me draw on the walls or make gunshot music. Realistically all the other guns are better in such small niche scenarios that they aren't worth equipping. There's no economy in JB so just use AK/Elite every round if you care about actual effectiveness. JB is about fun, and while I enjoy hunting and killing rebels that doesn't mean anyone else has to. Play with whatever gun you find the most enjoyable, I use an M4 just for a shiny skin/number even though I think it's worse than the AK. Some people enjoy playing with non-optimal guns and I think you could make a whole other Tier-list about the meme value of every gun.
  3. Hey I got one of those too! Thanks @EddieCam and @Eric
  4. Welcome back man! Sorry it had to be due to injury. See you around.
  5. Definitely The Clip if you've never seen it watch it.
  6. Gratz on crossing over that blue line!
  7. Congratz you guys! Glad to see this happen.
  8. https://imgur.com/a/1kLvh6K
  9. Current leader is @sno but AQ has been inactive for awhile now. Multiple people have tried to bring it back but usually they give up to join the other top gangs. Currently the top gangs are BMC forever and High Class Rollers at level 23 with .243 speed. There's a cap of 12 people in a gang now though so getting invited requires removing another member.
  10. I was on server with you today for most of your leading. The only time I saw you get successfully fired was after doing the "get on the bigcage boxes and freeze order" which got like half the Ts killed. Prior to that you were doing other tarps and audibly laughing over your mic over how much fun it is to lead like you do. Yesterday you were doing the same stuff including forced opinionated days where you couldn't even figure out how to do the "tarps" correctly. You even posted another another thread where you asked people for better tarp ideas and were told by just about everyone that tarping like you want to is a bad way to lead in jailbreak.
  11. I'm sorry if it comes off as hate, that's not my intention. I just constantly see you trying to lead with the objective of shooting Ts through tarps or misleading orders. I personally dislike it because it kills off newer players and then you laugh at them for being "dumb" even though jailbreak is new for them. This makes them leave and hurts the overall health and fun of the server. Just lead days that you would enjoy participating in yourself and think about the people who may not have as much experience playing JB as you. I don't have any problems with you as a person, just how your style of leading impacts the server I enjoy.
  12. That's awesome man! I'm in California so fires are a serious issue around here. Glad you're helping out with that wherever you may be.
  13. Gratz man, you really need to update that signature though.