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About TheCamDawg

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  • Location
    Ozona, Texas
  • Occupation
    The Krusty Krab Pizza

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  • Minecraft

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  1. Ello lads, Guess who's stopped being dead. Someone hold me to actually committing to something for once eh?

  2. Guess who's back? CounterStrike Source this time around. I missed you guys!

  3. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Source In-Game Name Dauid Beck Location Ozona Texas How old are you? 16 Which games (servers) do you play on? Currently i've played on the 24/7 iceworld deathmatch server but soon as i grab the IP for others i'll play on them too How long have you been playing on our servers? Since December of 2016 What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_1:1:187127028 Why do you want to join HG? I first joined in January of 2017 as a part of the TF2 Division, and went inactive after a bit of drama involving myself... after a bit over a year I'd like to rejoin in a different division and be back with the first clan I was ever in All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include? I'm not gonna cause any drama this time around.
  4. How the hell do you intsall TeamSpeak on Linux?

  5. Happy birthday :]

  6. Happy birthday, welcome back!

  7. Hey guys, I've fixed my computer and Matured. and I'm back!

    1. MMMineMMM


      Welcome back!

    2. brgr.


      Welcome back!

  8. Can i get one that says Dauid on top and Blue Kat on the bottom?
  9. I Joined HG because i played on trade 2 all the time and i saw how cancerous it was and wanted to do my best to help solve this problem
  10. thanks to ryze for my new signature. Want one for yourself?? Message him here: or find him in teamspeak http://hellsgamers.c...ser/39328-ryze/ and tell him your request
  11. Ah, Another Valentines day spent in front of my PC eating ice cream and attempting not to cry

  12. i can has free signature of pikachu wit black eyes? and my tags at teh middle
  13. dude... this isnt randomizer. its custom weapons