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HG Member
  • Donor Level 2
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Rizon last won the day on March 28 2016

Rizon had the most liked content!

About Rizon

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Rizon's Achievements

Omniscient Member

Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. u should try perp yo

  2. Thought about you, hope you're doing well man

  3. whats goooooooooooood

  4. Welcome to HG and congrats on being accepted as a new recruit!

  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter Strike: Global Offensive In-Game Name r1__ Location Arizona How old are you? 30 Which games (servers) do you play on? CSGO GMOD PUBG FORTNITE THE DIVISION How long have you been playing on our servers? since 10' What is your Steam ID / GUID? 0:7578971 Why do you want to join HG? Give it a go one more time. Previously as rizon (fyi) All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Silly Any other information you want to include? N/A
  6. Slap

    Happy Birthday You old fuck

  7. Good luck to all the candidates, the new ladder is well built and see great things to come from it.
  8. greetings

    1. Rizon


      Suh dude

    2. enigma#



  9. Data Daggers or Box Cutters
  10. Totally down for this, nice event line up.