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xDarkRav3nx last won the day on April 2 2015

xDarkRav3nx had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Gender
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    No Way

Computer Specs

  • CASE
    Cooler Master
  • Motherboard
    MSI ZZ87-GD65 Gaming series
  • CPU
    Intel core i5 4670K
  • CPU Cooler
  • RAM
    16GB Corsair Ram
  • Graphics Card(s)
    Sapphire R9 270x 4GB
  • Sound Card
    Buildt in on motherboard
  • Power Supply
  • Operating System
    Windows 7
  • Display Monitor(s)
    Asus 22"
  • Headset
    Plantronics Gamecom 780
  • Mouse
    cm storm devastator
  • Keyboard
    cm storm devastator

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Elite Member II

Elite Member II (6/10)



  1. Okay. for real tho. Shud i come back? D: i dunno what to do.

    1. Comic King

      Comic King

      Eyyyy, you have been missed. I agree you should come back! :)

    2. #define
  2. Can I request a Steam avatar from you?

  3. To be fair, you're never online when I am. The only people online when I am are ASCII and SKay. D;





    1. xDarkRav3nx


      I DO :( Its just timezones.. :'( I cant stay on too late :| But message me on steam when you see me online! :D


  4. Member Since Nov 13 2010


    Wauw... time goes fast :o

  5. My headset just snapped in 2 pieces when i tried to put it on, no idea why though. Any recommends on a new headset? Max about 60 euro. I had the Plantronics Gamecom 780

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. UnPrePared_


      See I use the USB thing cuz my sound card only has 1 input for both... this is why I love logitech

    3. HyperActive
    4. Anal Fister

      Anal Fister

      I use the usb because the surround sounds cool to me. I like to have the option to pull it off and use it on something different. Like a phone or mp3 player. Likelyhood of doing so is slim but I like the option. Looks like Dark is going to have a big decision to make lol

  6. #New Profile Background. Wut do you think?

    1. UnPrePared_
    2. UnPrePared_


      But it doesn't fit your name and current Avatar

  7. Y u go to clutchcon and not use my team logo :(

  8. whatcha doing looking at my profile :P

    1. xDarkRav3nx


      Planting hacks, nothing more.


  9. #Day 9000+, Stil missing you :$