1. Abuser name: [HG] Keith Stone
2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:10127846
3. What server: H&S
4. About what time: 3:30 pst 2/16/2011
5. PROOF: demo 1 here & demo 2 here
6. Please tell us about the incident: i came in to play some h&s and keith was slapping a ct around and low-graving him self, now when i cam in it was about 3 vs 11 witch is not normal ratio but he switches people that join ct, when hes is doing noting on ct but playing with low grav. witch caused the people to leave bring the server down to 3 vs 7
note i didnt use my mic the whole time i was there
demo 1
tick 1300 slaps around a ct for no reason
tick 4300 i tell "nice abuse" and his reply shows he does not care
tick 6111 switches a player to t when is 3 vs 11
tick 15469 you can see him playing g with the low grav, i didn't see the [sM] message so he must of had it on for some time now
tick 20000 you can see it is keith as the mic show above his head when he talks
tick 22000 spec of keith low grav
tick 24000 switches another player remember all keith is doing is playing with low grav
tick 2800 low grav still on
tick 16700 starts spam switching himself mid round
tick 19000 i say "booms : this will make a nice abuse repot"
tick 19500 keith says "well hey add this to your abuse report"
tick 21300 kicked for reason "gtfo & stfu"
this has been going on for far to long