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CS:GO Competitive

SupaNipplez By SupaNipplez, in HeLLsGamers News, , 16 comments, 64049 views

Sliver training camp...


ty ryze for the gfx work






Introducing CS:GO Competitive!


A special thanks to SpawnMatrix for bringing up this idea and his help with the crackhouse server



So what is it?


To put it simply, we are grouping multiple servers together and labeling it "Competitive". The servers that will be in this group currently are deathmatch and 10-man, with future servers to be added that revolve around the competitive side of CS:GO. So, instead of having 10 man and deathmatch mods separated, players will just apply for "competitive", and be responsible for all of the servers in that group.

Of course this means we will be looking for people to become competitive moderators, so make sure your keeping up that activity and showing leadership you're someone that can help get this train moving!


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Game: CS:GO

Server Ideas: Chargers only competitive

Video/link (and explanation because the video is long, but super helpful): We could set up a few of these "charger only" servers that were a different rule set for competitive than what we play now. It's explained fully here but essentially it is 2 20 minute halfs where only the Ts can score points, and to win they have to score as many points as possible in that 20 minutes. Scoring points is traditional in that the Ts either kill all the CTs or plant and explode the bomb (35 second bomb timer). This means that rounds don't end until all of one side dies or the bomb explodes. It can allow for slower rounds because there is all that time to set up, but really encourages faster rounds because the Ts want to get as many points as possible in their 20 minute time frame. If we were to create a plugin for this gamemode (because it hasn't been played since 2001 and there is barely anything on the internet as far as I can see about this mode) and advertise the shit out of servers like this, I think people would be intrigued in an entirely new way to play competitive. If you have any questions about the gamemode you can ask me or watch the video, but my point is that a new gamemode that plays on the main reason CSGO is popular could work well for us.


video was hyperlinked and that doesnt transfer when quoted

Edited by FoxHound
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