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Slav's Typeracer Event

brgr. By brgr., in Events, , 29 comments, 2350 views

From slow typers to fast typers, come one and come all! Let's see who's the best!


GFX made by: HG | Ryze [L] [DC]



Host: [HG] Slav [M]




  • Date: Saturday, January 27th, 2018
  • Time: 8:00 PM CST - 9:00 PM EST - 6:00 PM PST - 7:00 PM MST
  • Be in the event channel on the HG TeamSpeak 3 Server before the event starts! (30 Minutes Prior) - Server IP: voice.hellsgamers.com:2012

How to Play:

  • typeracer.com is a website where you can race people in typing races.
  • We will have x amount of pools of 8 (depending on how many people sign up)
  • Each pool would play 10 races - The players who come out with the most wins will receive a prize.
  • In the instance of a tie, a 1v1 race will be undergone.

Who can play:

  • Friend of HG to Council

General Rules:

  • NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
  • NO ghosting.
  • DO NOT be disrespectful.
  • NO sexual harassment of players.
  • DO NOT be racist or use racist terms.
  • NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow players are complaining.
  • DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG Member!
  • NO name impersonation of ANYONE.
  • If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.


  • 1st Place: Gold Account + Forum Badge
  • 2nd Place: 10k Jailbreak Rep + Forum Badge
  • 3rd Place: 4k Jailbreak Rep + Forum Badge
  • 4th Place: Forum Badge
  • 5th Place: Forum Badge






New Info




The way this event will be ran is being changed, so read carefully. When Reed and I were testing to see how many people could fit in one private session, we couldn't find a limit. We are going to have one person host one GIANT session (me), that everyone will join. If you win a race you gain one point. We will be doing a total of 15 races, each race that you win means one point for yourself, thus giving us 1st-5th after 15 races.


In the event that we somehow fill up a lobby, we will split the players into 2 different lobbies (RANDOMLY), and do the same 15 races. Points and scoring will remain the same, and everyone will be scored together.


If you don't understand what I just typed just find me in teamspeak and I can explain it to you, or you can just wing it at the event.





After some thought, I'm going to change the point scoring system. To prevent one person from winning every single race, different places will get different points. 1st place will get 3 points/race, 2nd place will get 2 points/race, and 3rd place will get 1 point/race.


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how does one ghost in a typing event? :o

Will most certainly be attending!!!!


How do you crash the server?


Just general rules...There were no special rules. :( You can blame sit cause why not. :)

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do you know da way?


The way this event will be ran is being changed, so read carefully. When Reed and I were testing to see how many people could fit in one private session, we couldn't find a limit. We are going to have one person host one GIANT session (me), that everyone will join. If you win a race you gain one point. We will be doing a total of 15 races, each race that you win means one point for yourself, thus giving us 1st-5th after 15 races.


In the event that we somehow fill up a lobby, we will split the players into 2 different lobbies (RANDOMLY), and do the same 15 races. Points and scoring will remain the same, and everyone will be scored together.


If you don't understand what I just typed just find me in teamspeak and I can explain it to you, or you can just wing it at the event.





After some thought, I'm going to change the point scoring system. To prevent one person from winning every single race, different places will get different points. 1st place will get 3 points/race, 2nd place will get 2 points/race, and 3rd place will get 1 point/race.

Edited by slavnta
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do you know da way?


The way this event will be ran is being changed, so read carefully. When Reed and I were testing to see how many people could fit in one private session, we couldn't find a limit. We are going to have one person host one GIANT session (me), that everyone will join. If you win a race you gain one point. We will be doing a total of 15 races, each race that you win means one point for yourself, thus giving us 1st-5th after 15 races.


In the event that we somehow fill up a lobby, we will split the players into 2 different lobbies (RANDOMLY), and do the same 15 races. Points and scoring will remain the same, and everyone will be scored together.


If you don't understand what I just typed just find me in teamspeak and I can explain it to you, or you can just wing it at the event.





After some thought, I'm going to change the point scoring system. To prevent one person from winning every single race, different places will get different points. 1st place will get 3 points/race, 2nd place will get 2 points/race, and 3rd place will get 1 point/race.



Interesting and understood what you're trying to explain


I'm looking forward :)

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my typing speed was at around 110 when I used to play this game, cause I used to practice a lot as well, now it may be anywhere between 60-80, It would have been good to have RSVP for this event, also I'm not sure if there's a set way we can prevent cheating because being a 3rd party host, there's no valid way to check. Other than that, I hope I don't forget about this and hopefully it will be fun! :)

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my typing speed was at around 110 when I used to play this game, cause I used to practice a lot as well, now it may be anywhere between 60-80, It would have been good to have RSVP for this event, also I'm not sure if there's a set way we can prevent cheating because being a 3rd party host, there's no valid way to check. Other than that, I hope I don't forget about this and hopefully it will be fun! :)

I'm gonna be recording and if people think a certain person is cheating, I will watch it over and watch them. The way you can tell is if they start wayyyy behind everyone else then just finish in under a second.
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so, I played a couple games of typeracer to see what i could do, some games my speed is around 120, and in others around 65, which is almost double the difference, anyone know why?

btw I am really excited for this event. :D

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I realized why my speed is fluctuating a lot and bad, cause I have horrible and improper "form" like i only use a few fingers and not the right technique, I looked it up and there were a couple tutorials that said to keep practicing it properly and to not go back at all to the bad form, but when i tried that, my speed was at like 20 so.. ima just do it after the event lol :)

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