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HeLLsGamers News

Green Ranger's Stream-a-thon!

By GreenRanger, in HeLLsGamers News, , 6 comments, 3075 views

Hi, my name's Green Ranger and I will be hosting a streaming event on Friday June 7th! Be there!

So I'm hosting a stream event and I will be playing a bunch of random games that will also get the community involved in playing! I did this 2 weeks ago on a whim and got over 70 people involved and I believe we can go harder this time with more of a warning
There will be prizes! I will be giving stuff away as the day goes on! I will also be giving stuff away as I hit a certain number of viewers! I do believe I will be having a few people donate items to give away as well!
Be there at 7 pm Eastern time
Be there at 6 pm Central time
Be there at 5 pm Mountain time
Be there at 4 pm Pacific time
The stream: www.twitch.tv/coupleofbuddies
Event: http://hellsgamers.c...treaming-event/
You NEEEEEED to have an account in order to win prizes because I will be using a twitch app to randomly pick winners over the video! You do NOT need to follow me, although it is nice to do so. Who knows, maybe being a follower will make you win extra prizes! Cya there!
There will be a teamspeak channel for this! Depending on the amount of people, I may create a separate channel for me and/or people playing with me and a separate channel for people watching due to noise interference .

Jailbreak: The Movie

By beast702, in HeLLsGamers News, , 1 comment, 5913 views
Juicy is directing a jailbreak movie featuring our HG members! If you want to be part of this unique event and become a star, audition at the official thread, good luck!!!
Here is the link if you like to get involved in the action: http://hellsgamers.c...fficial-thread/

Official Hg 2013 Cs:s Tournament

By Archer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 115 comments, 8590 views

Join us in HG's 2013 CS:S Tournament! Friend of HG to Council are all welcome to come!


To enter: Create/Join a Team here: https://hellsgamers.com/teams/

Date: June 1
Time: 3PM Pacific, 4PM Mountain, 5PM Central, 6PM Eastern
Single elimination bracket.
We will provide the servers.
Try to get into Teamspeak 3 early so we could get channels sorted out.
Friends, -hg-, [HG], HG | are all welcome to come!
Will be livestreamed - twitch.tv/prius707

Map Rotation

No leaving without finding a replacement.
No purposely team killing/attacking (includes flash).
No purposely dying/switching teams within rounds.
No trash talk at all.
No douchebaggery.
No bind spamming (2 or more times).
No illegal defuses.
No cheating.
Running the EAC Client is required before joining the server.
No tampering with the EAC Client, any indication of exploiting the system will be an automatic forfeit for your team.
You must run the anto-cheat from the beginning of the match to the end in full, if you are kicked from the server for closing EAC your team will automatically forfeit.

$400 Cash to the winning team!
$100 Cash to the second place team!
HG 2013 Tourny Winner profile award.
Platinum Accounts for 1 month to the winning team.
You may redeem it for yourself or you can gift it to another member.

***Feel free to set up your teams early. Register your team here***
Each team needs a Team Captain.
Only Team Captains should create their team.
Only the subs listed on your roster will be able to sub.
Make sure the people listed on your roster will be able to play on the day of the tournament.

Instructions to enter your team into the event.
To enter: Create/Join a Team here: https://hellsgamers.com/teams/
Instructions To Play
Download EAC. Click here
Launch the program
Choose the US flag and then HELLSGAMERS
Each team will be provided a channel with their team's name in our TeamSpeak.
For your team to play, it is required that at least one player from your team join HG's Teamspeak and sit in your team's channel for instructions and server info.

Hg 64 Man Challenge

By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 25 comments, 3376 views

For everyone who did not get to participate in the eGO vs HG challenge, here is an opportunity to join in a little fun with our community with at 32v32 challenge!

32 v 32 HG SCRIM
Who: All HG Members from -hg- to C
Where: de_cbble
When: May 25, 2013 @ 7 PM EST, 6 CST, 4 PST
Get your game on with a 32 v 32 scrim with your fellow clan members. This event will be exclusive to all of HG's members and will give players from all divisions a chance to showcase their skills. Like previous events (HG vs eGO and Leadership vs Members), we will have an organized event where each team will be randomized and will be 15 rounds a side, best of 30!
Prize: Black Accounts given to the top 3 fraggers of the winning team. Top 3 fraggers of the losing team will be given gold accounts for a month.
As always servers apply:
No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting.
Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.
No harassment, if someone tells you to stop trolling or talking smack, STOP.
Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
No name impersonation of ANYONE, especially not HG members.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

Please be in TS3 15-20 minutes to before the start of the event in order to setup the teams and get the event going on time.

20 Vs 20 "clan" Battle

By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 113 comments, 9856 views

We are getting ready to battle the edge gamers organization and we need you to help us come out victorious!

Hello again HeLLsGamers!
I am currently putting together an event that will put our CS:S division against eGO (Edge-Gaming Organization).
Currently we are looking for a 20v20 scenario where we would choose a couple of maps to participate in.
Currently the rules are as followed:
1. Must be a -hg- Recruit and up.
2. Must be apart of the CS:S/GO Division (This will change depending on how many people we have)
3. If we have more then 15 members that want to play, *tryouts will be held.
4. Five members of leadership will help part take in this event.
5. Respect each other and represent HG in a good manner.
6. Respect eGO as we want to build upon a good competitive relationship.
7. Regular rules are as followed when in the match.
No Cheats, exploits or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players.
No ghosting. (Unless spectate is off, which im sure it will be)
Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful.
No harassment, if someone tells you to stop trolling or talking smack, STOP.
Do not be racist or use racist terms! These servers are for everybody.
No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
No recruiting or advertising for other clans in here.
Do not wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are an HG member!
No name impersonation of ANYONE, especially not HG members.
No horrid/pornographic sprays (nothing below the belt).
If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server you will be permanently banned.

8. Must abide by eGO's server rules as well. (Do not swear or troll)
When: May 12th @ 7PM EASTERN TIME! *Note the change from the 5th (Sorry for any inconvenience)
Where: eGO/HG TBD (Map will also TBD)
Who: CSS/CSGO Members (Other divisions may sign up but do not have priority)
You must post and tell what division you are in. (Again this is mainly for CSS//CSGO division but if we lack players we still need players from other division. Also if we get enough we might host 2 20v20, so sign up!)
*Note if there is not enough or more then enough players, we will be choosing who will get to play.

Saxton Hale - Now Open!

By Dynas, in HeLLsGamers News, , 10 comments, 3820 views

"The name's Saxton Hale! Australian, CEO of Mannco, and the man who's going to burn this place to the ground!"

Server IP:
The VS Saxton Hale Mode is an unofficial "Juggernaut" variation of Arena Mode, in which teams RED and BLU are pitted against each other in a battle to the death. Whilst the primary rules of kill or be killed still apply, the modification involves one player, taking on the role of an overpowered Saxton Hale, on one team contending against the rest of the other team. Occasionally the roles may switch, as there are team-colored models for Vagineer and Christian Brutal Sniper.

Darkrp - Now Open!

By Homer, in Server News, , 23 comments, 8092 views

HellsGamers Serious RP server is Back!

The server is now un-passworded and open to the public.
Server Info:
[HG] 24/7 Serious RP Server | FastDL | NoLaG | HellsGamers.com
Gold Member+ get DarkRP GOLD Perks and Admin.
- SWAT Class (Gold only)
- High Class Citizen Class (Gold only)
- Disc Jockey Class (Gold only)
Gold gets 2k for free once a day just by connecting
Gold get discount food
Gold gets extra 10% each payday
More Server Info: http://hellsgamers.c...2714-hg-darkrp/
Thanks to JJK, Papa John for helping work on the server, as well thanks to all the testers.

10 Man Event

By Nite, in HeLLsGamers News, , 69 comments, 7342 views

Join us as we play a competitive 10 Man to see who will rain as the champions!

Hello HeLLsGaming Community,
I'd like to invite you to a Randomized 10 Man event!
Here how it works:
1. Sign up for the event.
2. We will use random.org to help randomly pick teams. (if you are the first one to sign up you are number 1 and etc)
3. You must follow normal server rules and 10 Man rules.
4. Show up to have fun.
5. Winners will get to choose a prize. (2 Game Prizes off steam. Winning team can either choose "MVP's" or it will be a random drawing)
6. If by any chance you or one of your teammates leave during a match, you must find a sub or forfeit.
7. Single Elimination
8. Must be in TS3 while playing.
Dallas Pug 3 and Pug 101.
-hg- and up
Sunday April 14 ( Enough time to get in a 10 man and practice!)
Congrats to the following team:
Thank you all for participating and hope to see you guys next time!