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HeLLsGamers News

Tf2's Goal And Direction

By Dynas, in HeLLsGamers News, , 54 comments, 2803 views

TF2 needs to revamp itself if it wants to stay relevant. We need to be more active and part of our goal and direction moving forward into 2013 is to get our community excited again and keep things interesting and alive.

We were discussing where we want this division to go in teamspeak. And to sum up everything and keep our goal simple, we need to start to get our community more active. I realize that the inactivity of late isn't really the community's fault. Times change, we've had several server problems, vip has been broken, and trust has been lost.
But if we want to keep this division and wonderful community alive and strong we need to get our community active again.
How do we increase the activity of our community?
More Events
Revamp VIP
VIP Giveaways
Server Navigation from server to server. (basically if i'm in trade I can go to a game server)
Unusual Hat effects for VIP (per digital)

Holiday Game Giveaway

By xafizzle, in HeLLsGamers News, , 73 comments, 2103 views
To spread christmas/kwanza/hanukkah joy I'm going to be giving away 2 games.
There will be two winners: One random winner will be chosen from all the repliers using a randomizer and the other will be whoever has the most +'s on their reply (probably by making a funny comment or something. you'll figure something out)
The two winners will be able to choose any game they like that's available on steam. It will be two winners no matter what so if you have the most +'s, you won't be entered into the randomizer.
I might change my mind about this but for now, only one post per player.
-hg- through [C] only
Contest will end on 12-21-12

Hitman Absolution Steam Gift Giveaway!

By Zekk, in HeLLsGamers News, , 66 comments, 4293 views

Celebrating the Winter Holidays and my long time here in HG, I have decided to give the gift of "Blood" this year!


I will be giving away a steam gift of Hitman Absolution to the winner of this contest!

Celebrating the Winter Holidays and my long time here in HG, I have decided to give the gift of "Blood" this year!
I will be giving away a steam gift of Hitman Absolution to the winner of this contest!
The rules are simple:
Post a response below about what you want for your December holiday of choice and if you've been good or bad this year!
The contest is open for -hg- and up only!
This contest starts now and goes until Dec 22nd.
On December 23rd I will draw a number on Random.org and the winner will receive Hitman Absolution as a steam gift from me!
One response only! Double posts will get you disqualified!
Good Luck, and Happy Holidays from Zekk!
(Remember to add me on steam!)

Mr. Tin's Metro 2033/Stalker Giveaway!

By F4ithl3ss, in HeLLsGamers News, , 2 comments, 1902 views

Hey everyone Mr.Tin here with another giveaway!

I currently have a copy of Metro 2033 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl!

Hey everyone Mr.Tin here with another giveaway!
I currently have a copy of Metro 2033 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl!


1.You MUST be in HG to enter the giveaway!
2.You must post in this thread and say which game(s) you would like to win!
3.You must not own either of these games on Steam.
4. You must enter by 11/30, the giveaway will occur on 12/1.
Also here are some first come first served codes for RIFT and a trial of GW2 that ends tomorrow.
RIFT (1 month code/1month trial): 3YCX-PN69-2GJ9-MM9E-3M2X
new account: https://www.riftgame.com/register
existing account: https://www.riftgame.com/login
GW2 Trial(ends tomorrow): 2KKPNL-S2CPG-97SK-FDS-PNBM8W6
goto: https://register.guildwars2.com/

[HG] Silibrian's Gta Giveaway!

By F4ithl3ss, in Free Giveaways, , 1 comment, 2676 views
The rules are simple...
Just post how much you love grand theft auto on the thread linked below, whoever i think has the best answer will win!
ill be giving away grand theft auto Vice City, grand theft auto San Andreas, and Bus Driver (a simulation game). I love these games but i dont play them anymore. btw not on steam, its through Impulse(gamestop.com) where i downloaded the games. if you win ill just give you the account info so you can login and download them.
-hg- through [C] only. NO FRIENDS OF HG this is for the clan!
will be drawn on 11/14/12
Thread Link: http://hellsgamers.c...ay/#entry442566
Congrats to [HG] Phusion!!!

HellsGamers v6!

By Homer, in HeLLsGamers News, , 44 comments, 3402 views

Welcome to version 6 of HG's website!


A new reputation system.

An all new mobile version of the website optimized for the latest smartphones.

Preview new topics by hovering over the topic title.

Preview member profile cards by hovering over their username.

Ability to login and link your account with Steam, Google, and Facebook.

Enhanced Messaging and Notification system with live updates.

A new Ban List page with Ban Reasons.

Customizable profile backgrounds.

A new photo and video gallery for member submitted content.

A new downloads section for member submitted content.

A redesigned news system.

A redesigned server list page.
An all new profile layout.
Paginated clan roster page with search.
Simplified Community Servers status widget.
A more recognizable Upcoming Event widget and notifications.
A new Top Players page for Top20 awards. (coming soon)
Improved Event calendar with RSVP and iCal support. Subscribe with your Google calendar or mobile device to instantly receive new event notifications.
A new HG Store integrated with your forum account. You no longer will need a second account for store purchases and upgrades.
Our goal with the new website was to provide a more updated user experience with today's websites. A lot of optimizations have been done and many inline features have been added to lower page load times with the use of Prototype, Scriptaculous, and jQuery. A new simplified forum index allowing us to add many new discussion categories. Integrated client area for the new HG Store. An overall easier to use website for new users.
The website has been completely recoded and features and new all-inclusive custom backend, made for leadership to manage and handle any task across the community.
So take some time and browse around your new profile settings. I hope you enjoy the new website. cheers
Your Founder,
More Updates: 11/18/2012
Friend Request system fixed, you can approve/deny friend requests now.
Reputation votes now only show votes you have +/-1'd and you cannot see others votes, however you will be able to see votes received on posts you made.
BBcode is now disabled in the chatbox, url link support will be added soon.
Leadership now have colored names.
Member birthdays list at the bottom of the forum index no longer shows inactive members.
Warning points have been reset for everyone so some members that had random old warnings are cleared.
Red link color has been brightened up a little.
Lots of other minor adjustments.

Other changes derived from feedback can be viewed here: https://hellsgamers....l/status/734792


By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1569 views
Ladies and Gentlemen
As a big fan of Zombie games and HG, I bring you my first giveaway!!!! This is your chance to WIN your very own copy of The War Z!
There will be a minimum of 5 Draws!!!!!

1 - The War Z Game (Pioneer)
4 - 48 Hour Guess Pass (only valid after October 31st 2012)(*See rules note regarding additional passes)


Pioneer Version - Tivik
48 Hour Guest Keys - Martin, vetman, lemonade, diamelo

How to enter...

Reply to this thread with "I love Brains" *See rules below regarding multiple posts.


Giveaway is open to -hg- to [C] only!
Only 1 entry/post per person. Multiple entries/post will disqualify you!
Additional 48 Hour Guess Keys may be added and may be drawn for after the main draw!
Winners will be chosen using random # generator and the person with the corresponding Post # will win!
Main draw will occur on Monday, October 15th in the morning!!!!!

Whats included in the Pioneer Package:

Alpha Access (October 15th 2012)
Special forum badge on TheWarZ.com forums.
15$ worth of In-Game currency
1 Month free - Stronghold server.
And of course the game itself when it is finally released.

as per Rizon, Please post in thread http://hellsgamers.c...-War-Z-Giveaway!!!!


By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 60407 views
This contest has a couple of prizes. 1st place will win a copy of Borderlands 2 for either PC, Xbox, or PS3 along with a Season DLC Pass. 2nd place will just be a Season DLC Pass for PC, Xbox, or PS3.
How to enter: Post a number between 1-200. 2 random numbers will be chosen. You can only post/enter ONCE.

Post on the thread not the homepage comments please.

Requirements to enter: You must be a recruit (-hg-) or higher.
Ends: 10/13/12
This is my way of saying thanks to the community for being wonderful. I have made a lot of friends here, and will continue to keep on making new friends.
1ST PLACE 59 - spanishcpt
2ND PLACE 54- Jarthus
Find me on TS3 to claim your prizes
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