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HeLLsGamers News

The FIRST ever Hidden:Source CS:S Port is here!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1479 views
The Hidden:Source has a gameplay of cat and mouse...except the cat is almost invisible and the mice have guns. You can barely see what's trying to kill you...you'll think you saw something but did you? Use teamwork to kill The Hidden or run away to save your own life. Choose a class, each having it's own unique specializations. Can you spot the Hidden and take him out? Or will he take you out as soon as he spots you?
Classes: Assault, Support, Recon, Scientist
Enemy: The Hidden
For more information on this port, please visit https://hellsgamers.com/threads/28422-The-Hidden-Source-Port-BETA-Released
This is a custom CS:S version of the original HL2 Mod "The Hidden:Source" that was developed by http://www.calibre-studios.co.uk at http://www.hidden-source.com

[NEW] 24/7 Dust2 Unlimited Deathmatch

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1644 views
This map is simply a remake of de_dust2; this map involves opening up new areas contained inside the existing map, and expanding its boundaries past the originals.
<a href="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
Please Help Populate!
gameME Stats

fpsbanana link

[NEW] TF2 Server Jump Maps

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1552 views
The 411 on jumping.
<a href="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
In-Game Commands:

jm_help: Show the help msg
jm_saveloc: Save the current position
jm_resetloc: Reset the saved position
jm_teleport: Teleport to the saved position
jm_ressuply: Ressuply the player ammo


July 2010 Roster Clean Up

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1347 views
EDIT: The Clean up is done. Ty to Master and Soccer
Its about that time to clear up our inactive.
The Following recruits are being demoted for not being active in 30 days.
-hg- '> x <'
-hg- ½MAN
-hg- Aaaaflasd
-hg- Acer
-hg- Afreakin Ambush
-hg- bigchoochin
-hg- BornAssassin
-hg- cakedOUT
-hg- Cam.
-hg- Dameon
-hg- DarK*[A]cE
-hg- darkkiller
-hg- Death4Life
-hg- Dewzer
-hg- Diablo
-hg- dmZ
-hg- Doctor Who
-hg- EmoHero
-hg- empreme (rawr)
-hg- Frankie
-hg- JI-porto
-hg- JZoreo
-hg- Kasparas.S94
-hg- KermoCo.
-hg- Knoodle
-hg- KriznY
-hg- Leeroy
-hg- Lightrune46
-hg- Machiavelli
-hg- madmac2u
-hg- Malcombb
-hg- Maxx
-hg- Mindcrush
-hg- Mistah Johnson
-hg- Monsta
-hg- Moose
-hg- Mr. Wookie
-hg- N-Oxide
-hg- n0ne
-hg- nameless
-hg- Nasty
-hg- NickXD
-hg- Nighte
-hg- Nomnomnom2
-hg- NoobySaurusRexx
-hg- Phæthon[☢-☣] Smoof
-hg- pivotlord
-hg- pnazzy
-hg- RaZoR-
-hg- React
-hg- red_gangsta
-hg- Rioas
-hg- saysell
-hg- seth117
-hg- shellshockerakn
-hg- Snipester
-hg- Snipsnap
-hg- SpiritoftheWolf
-hg- spyder monkey
-hg- swat251
-hg- TacticalHijack
-hg- Technine
-hg- theblackjesus
-hg- theJOKER
-hg- Thor132
-hg- ThriceCreamMan
-hg- Thunder
-hg- Tim osman
-hg- tru619
-hg- Turkey Sandvich
-hg- Tweakie
-hg- Tyler726
-hg- Undead_lumberjack
-hg- Unified
-hg- unvlilc
-hg- vajonah
-hg- Vannie
-hg- Viiqupaen
-hg- voluME
-hg- Vulpix
-hg- wildcard
-hg- Winzar
-hg- XaviorPenguin
-hg- Xhizors
-hg- ZachG
-hg- Zeb.
-hg- zild3d
The Following members are being demoted for not being active in 60 days.
[HG] [proto]
[HG] Apocolyptica
[HG] articone
[HG] Dj_Karl
[HG] F34rtheV3n0m
[HG] Faerne[HG] Henry
[HG] like a boss
[HG] Magic of Macys
[HG] mangled
[HG] P!G FaT
[HG] Parad0x.
[HG] Phobos
[HG] Riddler
[HG] Sarotti
[HG] SniperWolfMGS
[HG] Tim
[HG] Toilet DUck
[HG] Wyatt
If you see anything wrong with this, please post here
They will be demoted later tonight.
I would also like to thank Lackadaisical, Clams, Pwned, and SyNc! They deserve a huge TY for helping me with the roster clean up. jjk is a pretty cool guy.

The new site makeover.

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1550 views
As you all have surely noticed, HeLLsGamers got a nice cosmetic upgrade. However, we are still learning the aspects to the new vBulletin, so expect a few errors here and there. If there is anything out of place or otherwise not working, respond here. Any other replies beyond a bug report will be deleted, so we can keep track of what needs fixing.
Things we are aware of:
Internet Explorer 7 displaying the top left logo oddly - FIXED
T-List mySQL error - FIXED
Contact us Button on top bar leads nowhere - FIXED
Digg button broken - FIXED
Thread prefix tool for moderators missing - FIXED

HeLLsGamers V5 is here!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1670 views
Welcome to the NEW HeLLsGamers website Version 5
Utilizing the newest vBulletin 4 Suite.
Improved News system w/ comments.
Improved speed and optimizations.
New Blog system.
Updated HeLLsGamers style.
And much more..
Content pages such as Clan History, Clan Structure, Clan Roster are being worked on.
If you find any issues with the site please PM Homer.
Thank you to all the HG Members and Supporters,
more to come..

[HG] Dust2 Deathmatch Ranked #1 CSS in US

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1327 views
HG | Master and me HG | Dirty made the server back in Oct 08... and now a dream has come true

See for yourself: http://www.gametracker.com/search/css/US/
Server is also number 2 in world at this time.
Thanks to all the regular and random players who day by day make the server more popular:rock2:
:kill: - Dirty

HG vs eGO 20-on-20 scrim

By Guest, in Events, , 0 comments, 1781 views
Wow, what a great game guys.
Here are the demos in case someone wants to review or make some cool you-tube videos
I know, its bad screenshots. I was going to take one of the scores at the end, but the server crashed on the 15th round lol


Our team members were:
HG | KH / Deadman
HG | HyperC
HG | fRacture
HG | Vandium
-hg- SyNc
HG | seboard
HG | Cr(+)sshair
HG | Doobie
HG | Moo
HG | Prius!
HG | Homer [C]
[HG] Clams
[HG] Awwik
[HG] Isaac
[HG] JessicaJoy
HG | ooled
HG | Pavin
[HG] Fox n' Kibbles

TF2 Operation Population - TF2 Pipeline Server

By Guest, in Events, , 0 comments, 1887 views
ZEE SUPER GERMAN gets $50 towards the steam game of his choice.
And, in the spirit of TF2, here is a picture of my child in a hat:

Similar to what Doobie did, I will be doing.
This time around though, it is a first come first serve setup on our Pipeline server.
We will not be using a private server, or the KOTH server. So, there is a higher chance for pubbies
We will go for at least an hour, and possibly up to two hours.
At the end of this session, the top scorer will receive a $49.99 or less steam game of their choice to be gifted to them by me.
When: Saturday June 26, 2010
Time: 9 p.m. EST; 8 p.m. CST; 6 p.m. PST
Where: HellsGamers TF2 24/7 Pipeline Server, IP
Winnings: $49.99 Steam Game
Quick edit: if for some reason, Pipeline is full most of the day, we will move to a different server.
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