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Zekk's Blog

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Long Time No See

Well, It's been quite some time since I dusted off the tags and logged into HG. When hanging out with my online friends in my shrinking free time became harder and harder to do reliably... And the Division system imploded and took "Strategy Division" with it. It was a signal that it was time for me to quietly pause and recenter my priorities.   Things have changed quite a lot.   I have moved across the county, grown a little human up toward the top of the singl


Zekk in Journal Entries

Ode to an Office rush

Grab some gear and hit the floor Run run run get to the door Jump and crouch like a pro Pull the pin and let er go up the stairway clickity clock Awper down to the sound of a glock Quickly switch to p90 Run like hell and scream with glee spray and pray another one falls Reload quick back to the walls Grab his awp and start to run Now your really having fun In to projector fast as can be Holy crap behind the tree. Switch and boom hes in a rage A dark voice thunders out rampage! Yo




Today I realized that I have actually gotten much better at css. One year ago my average kpd was around .88 now im sitting at 1.2 or so.   But more, I know how to sneak up on people, where to set up on a map and be able to see without being seen.   How to rush without dieing before I get at least one kill, and most often two or more.   I found myself playing random guns on dm, slowly breaking my p90 addiction.   I have adopted the 5/7 as my favorite pistol.   I use nades much more



What I've Learned from Playing on Office Noob Training Server

1) New players think every good Awper is a Hacker. 2) New players tend to get harassed by more experienced players, For Example: When experienced players die and get impatient. They are more likely to try to vote kick a noob for not knowing the map. then just relax and wait for the next round. 3) If one person picks up an Awp. All new players must have Awps. 4) New players just need a little guidance from the more experienced players to become 100% better in just a few rounds. 5) New player

