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reviewed Jesus'love


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1. Abuser name:



2. Their Steam Id:



3. What server:

HeLLsGamers.co.uk 24/7 ORANGE 100% Crits / RTD


4. About what time:

See 5.





6. Please tell us about the incident

Multiple bans for cheaters but none with proof. I tried to explain the process as per ban link below but it's not sinking in.


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I tried to use the record feature that you mentioned and it wasn't working. So I had to choose between letting someone keep killing 10 players a second with an aimbot or just a ban. I think you should really work on patching your servers so that these same people don't log on with aimbots and ruin it for the rest of us.


Please remove the ban, I enjoy playing on the server and if you ask anyone that plays on it they'll tell you that I'm an extremely fair admin. I even give people a warning to please turn off their aimbot, because at the end of the day I would rather have more people playing in the server. I try to help the new guys and encourage more players, I ban people that use the full-crit status with their aimbots and literally ruin the server. The bans aren't for people that aim well, it's for people that are spinning in circles and holding down fire in the middle of the map.


In those situations you have maybe a minute to ban the player or you go from 20 active players to 3 because it's too frustrating to die immediately after spawning to an aimbotter.

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I tried to use the record feature that you mentioned and it wasn't working. So I had to choose between letting someone keep killing 10 players a second with an aimbot or just a ban.
Thats not our fault, its on your side. We showed you what to do when you ban someone, there is no way for us knowing why you are banning these people without proof.
I think you should really work on patching your servers so that these same people don't log on with aimbots and ruin it for the rest of us.
That stuff does not exist lol, if you can find it i ll be sure to add lol.


You wont be unbanned until you understand what procedure you have to follow when you ban someone. As for right now i dont think you understand.

Wait for tf2 DL to review.

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I'm not sure what it takes to increase the level of trust in your admins. I pay money every month, I have an incentive to keep the server full and the people happy otherwise my money is wasted. Now I know why admins don't want to ban and aimbotters take advantage of full HG servers. The barrier to banning is too high for a beginner admin, but unfortunately we are all part-time hobbyists and that's as good as we're ever going to get.


I will continue to get better at being an admin, but permanently banning me from a server hurts your org more than it protects it. I'm not the one ruining your server.



Or here is an even better idea, let an admin put a player up for vote to be banned. I wouldn't mind that feature, I've never banned someone that the entire server didn't beg to ban.


Then if you are aware of how easy it is to hack you need to make banning a simple process. You need to acknowledge that it doesn't make sense that the only one that's been permanently banned on this server is an admin that's banning aimbots.

Edited by Toast
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Or here is an even better idea, let an admin put a player up for vote to be banned. I wouldn't mind that feature, I've never banned someone that the entire server didn't beg to ban.

Votekick and voteban was REMOVED due to abuse..

Players who were legally good at TF2 got votebanned/kicked for being 'too good'.


I will continue to get better at being an admin, but permanently banning me from a server hurts your org more than it protects it. I'm not the one ruining your server.

You're not perma banned anymore, it was only to draw your attention to this, so we could get an explanation from you.


The barrier to banning is too high for a beginner admin, but unfortunately we are all part-time hobbyists and that's as good as we're ever going to get.

No, it's not..

It's all about what you want or how much of an effort you want to put into it..

All you need for a ban to be approved and/or extended is PROOF.


Please read trough this guide a few times http://hellsgamers.c...proof-for-bans/


If you need any help please ask me, @Factions or @Misc2008.



Please start uploading proof to your bans, or your admin will be removed!

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