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Rep Equality In Jailbreak


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So I just switched to guard because the ratio was inadequate for normal play and completed a duckhunt day to LR as lead. In return I received 2 rep, which is pretty pathetic in my opinion. The previous round as a T I could get upwards of 100 rep for sitting around the repmas tree for a few minutes.


It seems counterproductive to reward guards with such paltry sums of rep for making the server function as intended. In my opinion guards should be rewarded comparatively to T's in rep for completing their jobs. I'm not saying in the hundreds per round as clearly most rounds T's die without getting any rep, but at least some parity should be achieved.


I think this should extend to both living guards as well as the lead, with the lead receiving extra compensation. The exact numbers could be debated (perhaps in this thread), but an increase would benefit all players I believe.

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So like if CT's had something equivalent to drugs to be able to gain rep? I see a problem in that ct's may go off wondering in search of "CT Drugs" instead of doing there job and watching over prisoners. Maybe some other form of compensation would work?

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Yeah Ive Had This Problem Too When there is not many people on the server it is easy for me to get to lr and collet rep, However there is never many good leads hence the days are bad and boring but i dont really want to take lead and do some good days because i wont get any rep from it.


Maybe The CT's Should get 50 rep if there still alive at the end of the round.

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So once the repmas tree is gone, are you going to complain that T's have no reliable way of getting rep? Other than killing CT's?


Why do CT's need rep again? To use a minuscule amount to !fire, occasionally !buy something, and protect themselves from bomb?


Why do T's need rep again? To protect themselves from rebel timer, to spend it on gang perks, to do more damage with the bomb, and same thing as above?


T's need more rep cause it affects them more, why would we reward the CT's more when they don't need it as much? They're both rewarded equally, and if you think the CT's don't earn enough, you aren't killing enough rebellers, or you're nitpicking before they can become red or something

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(forgive formatting here, I'm not much of an active forum user)


[quote name=blue :D' timestamp='1483020002' post='726464] So once the repmas tree is gone, are you going to complain that T's have no reliable way of getting rep? Other than killing CT's?


This is a solid point, and once the tree is gone things will be a lot more balanced for sure. This may be the core of my issue, and the end to this post, but lets continue anyways...


[quote name=blue :D' timestamp='1483020002' post='726464] Why do CT's need rep again? To use a minuscule amount to !fire, occasionally !buy something, and protect themselves from bomb?


I disagree with your distinction between CT and T rep needs as almost anyone who frequents the server will play both sides, thus your rep gain affects each side semi-equally. (depending on if you have favored side)


[quote name=blue :D' timestamp='1483020002' post='726464] if you think the CT's don't earn enough, you aren't killing enough rebellers, or you're nitpicking before they can become red or something


I also disagree here as on almost any "standard" day something like 90-95% of T's die to games where they are shot while non-rebelling, killed while trying to escape, or to one of the minigames in the map. If the CT's are doing their jobs (which often they are not) there can be many rounds in a row without a single rebel kill.


All in all, I think this post may be without warrant as the removal of the repmas tree will drastically improve this issue. However, I still think the system has silly methods of awarding rep, and that at the very least successful leads should be better compensated for their efforts.

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Idling for rep ruins its worth. It's like the government printing money for people who don't work for their own money. Therefor it's worthless.

me ruining the lifespan of my PC by idling all night should reward me with extra rep smh Kannon
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Do not forget about events. Most events award JB Rep as a third / fourth / fifth place prize. Do you think I just magically got 114K rep overnight? Cause I almost did. The TF2 JB server uset to award CSS and CSGO rep when you idled it. My TF2 has almost 2,700 hours on it, most of those are idle on JB. When I check my rep spent section, I have spent roughly 100K rep. I currently hold around 114K rep. If your really desperate for CSGO JB Rep then trade with players in the server.

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Do not forget about events. Most events award JB Rep as a third / fourth / fifth place prize. Do you think I just magically got 114K rep overnight? Cause I almost did. The TF2 JB server uset to award CSS and CSGO rep when you idled it. My TF2 has almost 2,700 hours on it, most of those are idle on JB. When I check my rep spent section, I have spent roughly 100K rep. I currently hold around 114K rep. If your really desperate for CSGO JB Rep then trade with players in the server.

heh yeah tf2 jb idle is pretty lit for me.

people often ask me how i got so much rep when i play csgo and they see my weak 200 hours on it. its all from tf2 jb. i have 280k rep spent as well so rip

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