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Who Am I A Jr. To?


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Foxhound Jr. for sure.


Like you guys both have the curly fro and everything. If I didn't know any better I would say you are definitely Foxhound a couple years back for sure.


Almost like a brother.

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It's time to stop, I know this is a general thread and shouldn't be taken seriously..First.. Be yourself, and someone who you're not. You're no where near any of the replies (Sui,Quad) So move on with trying to copy people and just be who you are. Go out or online and do something you desire to in life, No one can stop you but yourself. Strive on bettering yourself and stay positive. Not picking on you, just focus on you and work at some of your weaknesses. Just think "What could I improve on today?" Could be anything. Even just sitting down and wanting to rank up in csgo or other games We all have different traits, we do different things in our days, nothing will be like today.


Cutting to the last bit, You're still young you have time to grow and learn. Just be yourself and experience what you have to do in your lifetime.

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It's time to stop, I know this is a general thread and shouldn't be taken seriously..First.. Be yourself, and someone who you're not. You're no where near any of the replies (Sui,Quad) So move on with trying to copy people and just be who you are. Go out or online and do something you desire to in life, No one can stop you but yourself. Strive on bettering yourself and stay positive. Not picking on you, just focus on you and work at some of your weaknesses. Just think "What could I improve on today?" Could be anything. Even just sitting down and wanting to rank up in csgo or other games We all have different traits, we do different things in our days, nothing will be like today.


Cutting to the last bit, You're still young you have time to grow and learn. Just be yourself and experience what you have to do in your lifetime.


said it before me, +1 to this tho

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