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Rules Not In The Bible

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We constantly tell new players to check the !bible to learn the rules. But i feel there are things that are assumed rules that are not actually in the bible. I can think of two for example that staff have told players.


1. Ts can camp as long as they are killing people.


2. If someone is shooting you through a wall or door, you can shoot back.


Neither of these are in the bible thread, but they are assumed to be rules. Simple fix is to add them as long as they are the actual rule. I m not sure what other rules are like this, but they next to be added as well.

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As long as you see them actually shooting you*


TTT is already really T-sided, if you aren’t allowed to shoot back through walls or doors.. man. Traitors would always win.


There was a guy on last night that would ALWAYS buy wallhacks on his T round and if we weren’t allowed to shoot back at walls or doors, he would never die.

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TTT is already really T-sided, if you aren’t allowed to shoot back through walls or doors.. man. Traitors would always win.


There was a guy on last night that would ALWAYS buy wallhacks on his T round and if we weren’t allowed to shoot back at walls or doors, he would never die.

I agree. No one would play TTT if it was this OP.
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RIP. Ts can camp as long as they are killing people as it is up to admin+ discretion as stated in rule #5 of the quaran.



5. No camping/delaying when majority of players are dead. Camping = staying in the same place for a long amount of time while avoiding others. This will be up to the admins discretion to decide.



as far as shooting back thru walls/doors I'll get with Bing bong and get it updated.



for now iron you know the rules, as an HG member/retired leadership please follow the rules you know the admins+ enforce while on the server. seeing someone who people are supposed to look to not following the rules will just increase issues within the server.

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updated on the first rule as far as camping goes. as stated previously it is still up to admins discretion but



5. No camping/delaying when majority of players are dead. As long as the traitor is continuously killing players within a reasonable time the player will not be considered camping. Camping = staying in the same place for a long amount of time while trying to avoid others. This will be up to the admins discretion to decide.




the definition of camping stayed exactly the same, the clarification part is the avoiding others. the player is not avoiding others when they are continuously killing others. avoiding others would be camping in the t room and not killing people. but then again



" it is up to the admins discretion "





as far as being able to shoot back at walls give me a bit of time with bing to figure out the right wording on that one and it will be updated. as we all know there are rules for every server that need to be updated any more that you guys can think of send them over in here and we can get them updated, with ttt gaining popularity having the !bible correct is going to be something that makes it easy sailing.





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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but it's a growing issue I've seen happen more and more recently. Sometimes there will be a T who says over voice chat that one of his T buddies is proven. I've seen both instances where there was a taser log and no taser log. Either way, a T false proved a T and I, among others I've discussed this with, don't think this should be allowed. If the falsely proven T is the last one left among a group of 3, then innos will kos each other if they are paying attention, which will lead to rdm, as well as other situations like this. So far I haven't seen this happen, other than the false proving, but it is still a possibility. I read through the entire Quran twice and found no rule talking about this. Whether this should be allowed or not is up to you guys, but there should at least be a rule about it so it's clear to everyone.

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Anyone can say they are proven, it is up to the individual to decide if they are credible or not? When a T tazes another T (Tazer from map or Det to T roll) you have an 'inno' proving another 'inno' and if either of them die and their body gets IDd as a T, you then know that the person they proved is most likely a T as well. When a Det tazes someone and calls them proven, then yes everyone must assume they are proven inno, if it turns out that the Det tazed a T and said he was inno, then that is metagaming and the Det should be warned / slain.


Another thing to add in is when Innos taze people, sometimes it malfunctions but chat feed flies by due to IDing bodies and they could misread it


I personally don't think there needs to be a rule about Ts proving other Ts - Especially since if a T gets a tazer, they could just taze someone they know is inno since they know who is and is not a T.

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