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Cading Trust System


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  • Caders can assign certain people to be their cade-mates through a menu or assign their whole steam friendslist.
  • These cade-mates would have the power to nail or unnail their cade-mates nailed props.
  • This would allow caders to not worry about the issue of a misplaced prop in their cade, and in addition may also have an added benefit of having cade-mates adding extra nails in their props should they forget.



  • Caders would no longer worry about the future of their cade if they were to go AFK.
  • This would allow further cooperation between caders as they could coordinate and help out each other if a cader needs to take over or fix something in the other cade-mate's cade.
  • The main cader (the one who originally nailed the prop) may unnail their cade-mate's nail on their prop. The nail would return to their cade-mate's inventory and a message would pop up in the bottom left of the screen stating that their nail has been unnailed by (person name here)


  1. Possible Griefing: Cade-mates could unnail and dismantle their cade-mates cade for no apparent reason.

  • This could be easily solved by :

  1. Allowing the caders themselves to choose who is trustworthy enough to be their cade-mate and not throw a hissy fit.

  2. A pop-up to show in the bottom right of the screen to show who unnail or nailed to your prop.

  3. Punishment for those who unnailed for the purpose of trolling. (Maybe Zlisting)


2. Claimed Props would be easily taken by the cade-mate.

  • Again, the cader could remove the cade-mate.



  • There could be a menu that could add permissions to what his or her cade-mate could do.
  • There could be an option allowing anyone to nail onto the cader's prop, but the cader could easily remove it and the nail would return to the nailer's inventory, with a message stating so.







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I don't think we need this. I don't think your idea is bad, but I just don't think ZS needs cade mates. I just compicates things and adds another thing for new players to learn. When I cade with others I can just ask them in chat to move their shit (or zlist them if they're a random) and if im solocading, the group im with usually figures out whos cading beforehand so this doesn't happen.

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I don't think we need this. I don't think your idea is bad, but I just don't think ZS needs cade mates. I just compicates things and adds another thing for new players to learn. When I cade with others I can just ask them in chat to move their shit (or zlist them if they're a random) and if im solocading, the group im with usually figures out whos cading beforehand so this doesn't happen.


Why would new players bother about this?

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Its already discouraging for new players to learn about cading in ZS, so I agree with Grim. But on the other hand, I feel like this might be pretty effective in reducing shitcading and similar issues. Obviously depends on how it is executed, because if shitcaders make the main cade and theres nothing for us to do about it, rounds where humans die within the first 2 waves increases. Its really hard to say what would happen imo

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Its already discouraging for new players to learn about cading in ZS, so I agree with Grim. But on the other hand, I feel like this might be pretty effective in reducing shitcading and similar issues. Obviously depends on how it is executed, because if shitcaders make the main cade and theres nothing for us to do about it, rounds where humans die within the first 2 waves increases. Its really hard to say what would happen imo


How hard would it be for new players to tinkle around with? It's not a hard concept to grasp. There's a menu where you can add whoever who has access to your nails. Shitcaders for the most part wouldn't bother about it while new players who are interested would grasp it easily, due to the menu to add cade-mates will be as simple as the pointgiving menu, along with the game remembering who you added, just like the late groups menu. Shouldn't be a hard thing to implement.

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