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Zmain Point Farm Guide & T6 On Objs


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Need Points for upgrades but cant make enough profit? this guide is for you!


to get a lot of points as zmaining you have to break all props that u can find near humans if there are humans hugging the cade and you can reach em hit em cause they give you 3X more barricade points and you will also have more chances of being boss . To tell that you are in the boss list you have to be on the top leaderboards of the zombie team . puke pus is a good boss for humans and also for forcefields bloody hopper is very good with puke pus or nightmare to jump over cades and damage the human team you also need Eviscerator for more damage if you have a lvl 1 or higher puke pus you have chances of 1 shotting people . Puke pus is good when the cade has huge gabs or no forcefields . Random boss is usefull on Wave 2 and 3 dont risk it on wave 4 for a Tickle nightmare


Tier 6 on objectives to use : On Npst its very good to use storm force since it ignores some of the spawn protection and can kill a lot of zombies when they spawn . you also need bandoiler trait which helps you with getting a lot of ammo . Non materialistic perk is also usefull in objs since you wont be cading or touching any props . If you didnt manage to buy a Storm force you can buy Evil double barrel shotgun its a very good shotgun that ignores spawn protection on a lot of obj maps . Hurricane on npst is also very good dealing a maximum 127 damage to a headshot with 1 single bullet and fires fast as a mini gun . Crusher Grenade launcher is hard to get some times on objective maps but with weapons having 2 stocks is easier to get

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the secret to getting inhuman amounts of damage in is to play like a tickle 24/7, find spots where you can hit the cade but humans cant or barely can shoot you so you can do as much damage as possible without dying fast, making 1 or 2 runs to hit cade huggers also helps since hitting humans gives you double the ammount of barricade points and assures you get boss. After wave 3 go poison zombie and if the cade doesnt have a forcefield spam poison, if the cade does have a ff play normally and wait until wave 5 where you can go immolator.


also DO NOT GO ZOMBINE, Zombine is a bad zombie that looses its sprint every time its shot making it painfully difficult to land hits you could have easily hit with any other zombie. Unless there's a shade or nightmare pushing in, the secondary suicide attack is useless. (Because all it does is heal other zombies with the gibs you spawn on death more than do damage to the cade itself)


Boss wise just go nightmare until you can afford ruin or tickle mare unlocks then get ruin + evis + bloody hopper, after that go tickle mare the remaining waves since 99% of the cades, specially doorcades are anything but tickle proof lol.

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