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Fix Hero's Death Redeem.

Ser Aland

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Could we make it so that when you die as a hero, you redeem at a player and not your last location as a normal human. I find it really annoying when you get hero at for example, the frontcade and then when you die and redeem you spawn there? And that's just an insta death in most cases. So could we fix it so that you redeem at a player ?

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It's not broken...

Just go one cade back, it's not that hard


I mean it could be easy/hard depending on the situation, I was on snow castle and had like 2 zombies blocking a doorway and a new wave of zombies coming behind me, so pretty much doomed, and why not just make it easier for hero's to redeem safe? :I

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I mean it could be easy/hard depending on the situation, I was on snow castle and had like 2 zombies blocking a doorway and a new wave of zombies coming behind me, so pretty much doomed, and why not just make it easier for hero's to redeem safe? :I

Sucks to suck man


Honestly suck it up. It doesn't really happen that often

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cus it doesnt happen to me and fuck off if you gonna start shit.


She has no intentions of doing so, just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it is not an issue, besides, it was a suggestion.


As for the hero, it seems a good idea, it's supposed to be a positive bonus and not otherwise. Some times hero bonus really fucks you up in these situations.

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