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What's The Latest Book You Have Been Reading?


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I know sometimes after you've put down a book that's soo good and want to share the joyful experience with others, but found that noone really is listening to you or likes your taste? Well why not share here?


Recently I've been reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the only known Roman emperor who was philosopher. Basically a journal that he kept and wrote in while he was doing his emperor duties.


His philosophy follows the doctrine of the Stoics, where they believe that the Universe is forever young and changing, and everything that is created is with a purpose according to their category of sentience, unlike the Epicurians, who believe that the Universe is just a heap of atoms and randomness floating about with no meaning. He believes that we should accept whatever fate has destined for us to receive, but goes pretty extreme in his views that feeling pain is easily avoidable just by removing the thought you are hurt. He believes in upholding the human constitution, which is to be a good man and be with the Gods. His belief is that our Minds are divine and can never be touched by outside influence unlike our body, and heavily emphasize the act of retreating into oneself and reflecting. He believes that pleasure is a sin through the reasoning that regretting is the act of missing the opportunity to do something beneficial and a good man will always want to do good and benefit. No good man will regret missing out on pleasure, therefore pleasure is neither beneficial nor good.


It's nice to see an insight into the ways of how other people define themselves and their thoughts in the past so we can reflect and apply these concepts or notice flaws which go along in their reasonings.


Now let's share about the latest book you've read, no matter the genre.

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Due to college and lots of work in the first year of studies, I haven't really read anything. Buuuut, before I started college, I read Kafka's 'The Process' and 'The Stranger' from Albert Camus. I like realism the most, I can understand it. Kafka's way of writing is pretty simple and very understandable for me. I also kind of felt like I was in Mr. K's shoes sometimes :) but then again, aren't we all? :D

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Mastery by Robert Greene


This is the second time I've read it, and I plan to read it five times to completely internalize everything that's mentioned in the book


Woah, must be a pretty intensive book. What's it about? (i know i can google but i just want to hear from you kk)

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If i were to rate it id say this is the second time that I'm reading through 15 (at this time of writing) unofficially translated books all of which are over 800 pages in their original language and would probably be even longer if Yen Press had the testicular fortitude to approach a book that's more than 300 pages in Japanese.


by Kawakami Minoru.



Edited by Your Grace
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