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Redr's Super Duper Omega Ultra Good Point Making Guide For Beginners


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This guide is mainly for noobs or people who are clueless at making good cash on ZS




There are 5 main ways to make ponts


- Cading

- Repairing

- Medic

- Shooter

- Zombie/z maining



To start off, you really need to make points to get in the big boi ranks to get the good stuff in the future so i recommend repairing the cade for the first couple of hours of your ZS experience. The reason is that repairing easily makes points and can get you around 100-300 points depending on how long you last, if you die, etc... Another alternative is cading. IF YOU WANT TO CADE, THEN PRACTICE IT OR TRY CADING ON A DIFFERENT SERVER FIRST as being a shitcader is never gonna end well and will guarantee in atleast 5 different z list votes on you. Never than less, cading is also a great way to make early points and points in general as if the human team is competent and repairs your cade and you repair your own cade also can net you a crap ton of points. Finally, the last way to make good points early in your career is to z main. z maining is when you deliberately become a zombie. Getting around 50 points of damage nets you 1 point so if your nightmare that gives you 1 point a hit and different classes can net you more or less depending on the situation. Hitting humans triples your point gain and barricade point gain for hitting those humans (about 3 points or so per 30 human damage i think). This is definetly a great way to make gigantic way to make point if you learn how to become a good zombie.


Medic is a non-profitable class in my experience since you get like half of what you payed for so i dont recommend it to new players as they dont net too many points (atleast in my experience)




After you racked up around 1k points its time to start becoming a shooter if you want. Shooters are the ones who shoot the zombies (duh) and are vital to any cade (the more you have the better {most of the time}). Here are some crazy good weapons to make points with.


T1 - Crossfire glock & Revolver

These beasts of the ZS realm can do medium-high damage but they are single shots and are pistols. Luckily, pistol ammo is cheap and these can make you points the entire game if you want.


T2 -

I dont really recommend get any T2 weapons as they are very mediocre but the glaring stars of the bunch are the Akbar Assault rifle and the Ender Automatic Shotgun


T3 -

This is where heaven happens for any point whore. Get either the doom shotgun or Aurea pistol since they deal the most damage and rack up unparalleled amounts of points for what they cost.


T4 and Beyond


Not really anything after this unless you really want to try new weapons but some to look out for are the:


Storm Assault Rifle

Raygun Mk2

Promethium Magnum (if you can get a battery to craft one, never buy this weapon)

And any T6 weapon except the gluon since the gluon breathes the ammo (uses it up in like a millisecond) and usually doesnt give you that many points in return or minimal point gain but the gluon is still great for killing zombies.


Side notes: Get bandoiler if your a shooter to get more ammo and whenever possible get the health traits to boost survivability. Have 3/4 brains ready as a zombie so whenever you kill a human you can get a chance to run off and get juggernaut. On Tuesdays, theres Terrible Tuesday which im pretty sure honors how super terrible and that very day for 24 hours gives you 1.5x points you would normally get. Also play whenever possible since there are sometimes random 3x or 2x points whenever the devs or dl's feel generous.Finally, never get the blaster shotgun since its the worst gun in the game.


Welp, this is my first guide, hope yah liked it

Edited by Redr
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It's a good post although I can't agree with the gluon on, if you are on obj you basically will profit at the end and get around 700+, you can also do like this; get around 1,5k gluon ammo incase you're a bad player and don't know the obj and only buy 100, 200 if you need it from a ars, that way you don't risk too much. Or you can get around 8k so you don't need to buy ammo then and then and lose 4 points for each buy, it get's pretty much when you buy a lot of gluon ammo. Always aim headshot since it matters and boom, profit.

Edited by Aland
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Currently medic main, and yeah i kinda agree that if you stick with medic kit the whole time, you are mostly gonna profit with 100point-ish, that is when I get bandoiler and only pruchase medic power during mid-rounds(is that how you call it?).

With the new addition of Healing Ray, I usually end up with 300-400 of profit, but I really don't recommend new people using it since you really need to pay attention to the whole cade and know the priority of who to heal first (which you can learn from Jessica's post on medic guide).

Edited by Yolomacswagg
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