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-=+<Another Zombie Suggestion>+=-


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I have been thinking...Zombies do not have any sort of Tank in their arsenal, I guess shade counts but they dont have any sort of attack if all props are nailed So I thought of suggesting one!

I am not good at giving names so I will leave that to the community.


So this tank zombie would only be usable on maps where Humans win more Only 1-2 can be used at a time, It wil be unlocked at around wave 5-6 The special features of this zombie is that Bullets will not slow it down, And it can increase the attack damage and speed of nearby zombies by 1.2x So it is like a leader aswell!


I suggested this tank zombie because alot of the boss zombies would die fairly quickly when exposed to lots of bullets and explosions


Tank Zombie Stats : The health would be at arond 4k to 6.8k, Damage per hit at around 40-60, It would have a somewhat slow fire rate similar to the Poison zombie's fire rate for poision throw, And its weakness is pulse weapons. Pulse weapons will do 1.5x more damage to the tank while others will do 0.75x damage or less. I thought of Armor for it but then again, I will leave it up for the community.


Feel free to suggest any Changes!!



Edited by Antares
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I don't know what's up with the math icons you added to your title, but I'm not one to judge.


As for your boss zombie, many, including myself, have already suggested that a boss zombie archetype would be centered around tanking. The Shade and Frost Shade bosses don't count as tanks because they aren't "taking" any damage from bullets or projectiles; I like to think of them as shields because they possess immunity to projectiles.


Your idea sounds like mine when it comes to having this boss zombie possess high health and special defense characteristics against projectile weaponry, but one thing that needs to be considered is potential balancing on both the Human and Zombie teams.


Would having this tank make it severely difficult for Humans to kill the normal zombies because of it's player size? What will it's player size be anyway? Wouldn't giving this tank boss zombie around 7k health simply make it easy for point-farming due to its ability to take damage from bullets in addition to its high health?


Would this boss zombie make the Shade obsolete? Would having a Frost Shade-tank zombie combo be too OP and unbalanced for Humans?


These are questions that you should consider answering when designing a new zombie type into ZS because as of now, the only problem I see is that Humans still have too much s**t over zombies, and having more zombie types does not improve this situation.

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I don't know what's up with the math icons you added to your title, but I'm not one to judge.


As for your boss zombie, many, including myself, have already suggested that a boss zombie archetype would be centered around tanking. The Shade and Frost Shade bosses don't count as tanks because they aren't "taking" any damage from bullets or projectiles; I like to think of them as shields because they possess immunity to projectiles.


Your idea sounds like mine when it comes to having this boss zombie possess high health and special defense characteristics against projectile weaponry, but one thing that needs to be considered is potential balancing on both the Human and Zombie teams.


Would having this tank make it severely difficult for Humans to kill the normal zombies because of it's player size? What will it's player size be anyway? Wouldn't giving this tank boss zombie around 7k health simply make it easy for point-farming due to its ability to take damage from bullets in addition to its high health?


Would this boss zombie make the Shade obsolete? Would having a Frost Shade-tank zombie combo be too OP and unbalanced for Humans?


These are questions that you should consider answering when designing a new zombie type into ZS because as of now, the only problem I see is that Humans still have too much s**t over zombies, and having more zombie types does not improve this situation.

I see your point here Guess i was over thinking the stats and not the possible outcomes of adding it Edited by Antares
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I see your point here Guess i was over thinking the stats and not the possible outcomes of adding it


I'd say you weren't overthinking the stats, but actually trying to create an outline for what zombie archetype you were trying to manifest. There's nothing wrong with that, as that's how I try to come up with zombie boss suggestions; first comes the outline, then comes the re-balancing.


However, in the future, if you want a game suggestion on pretty much anything to sound convincing, account for what others might say about it, different in-game possibilities revolving around your suggestion, how it might affect the players themselves regarding what they do should your suggestion be implemented, etc.


Re-balancing is definitely something to pay attention to because any suggestion on adding something new to ZS will affect the entire game.

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