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Dodge Ball Ideas


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I recently met someone who came on our dodgeball server named xoMayo | nvg.

He mad a lot of recommendations of things to add to our dodgeball servers. He is very experienced with dodge-ball and he has played it for a long time.


xoMayo | nvg Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001464756/

His basic premise was

  • "Fov commands from chat should be a priority since it's so normal on any other server. it's gotten to the point where it's expected and being rerouted to console is kind of a turn off, even if it's an unreasonable one.
  • "Additionally i think you should tweak the rocket speed/ramping or at least the base speed. with a full server, the rounds are going to be insanely long
    a 6v6 on panda or HTT can end in under 2 min, and the 3v3's we were having were lasting forever
    i DO appreciate the 3 steal slay tho
    most servers only have 2, or none at all which ends with people just being cocks and taking every rocket while standing at the front. so great job on that"

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I agree with the shortened ramp-up times. There are rounds with teams of 3v3 or more that take too long. For the amount of Dodgeball servers that also have the !fov plugins, I feel it would help the players that are take servers such as this in a formal matter as well as increase the popularity of the server. 3 Steal to Slay seems fine, but I feel due to the extent that it happens, 2 is more effective on a round time based priority; it is an extreme help to get rid of those who just troll. Lastly, I also wish there would be an Auto Slay/Projectile Detonation for those who just circle the rocket. Some of the time, others have to steal it, resulting in at times getting slayed because someone is being childish in a formal game mode.

Edited by Admiral MacK
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yep, a lot of servers have fov commands. I believe I suggested having faster rocket speeds last time we had the dodgeball server but it sorta got ignored, and people hate dying at the beginning then waiting 5 minutes. 

some other suggestions would be a vote bot command, rather than having /nanobot for root+ since admins are not always on. 

our rockets are more wave rockets than panda rockets (straight, easy to orbit, bad in general). we should have their nuke model though, it is more well known and liked, plus our nuke is glitched (spawns red nuke, if it goes straight towards red player he cant airblast it).

another thing is more maps. panda is almost 24/7 blucourt redcourt lol. they are popular maps as well and I think octagon should be set as the default map due to its popularity, although personally ive played on it thousands of times before from panda to disc servers and some don't like it since it is overused. amazon is also a cool and small map with a secret.

yet another thing is dodgeball specific rules. 

-don't delay rounds (orbiting for too long, downspiking to destroy rocket, etc.)

-don't steal(debatable but I like stealing since it decreases round length and adds more random and funny moments, and having players just 1v1 is boring and bland, although if you are going to add It as a rule it should be slay>kick>ban as well as have a plugin that autoslays for stealing on the 2nd steal, but if an admin is on they can choose to slay on the 1st as long as it was on purpose. not having it as a rule should remove the autoslay and let it be, so either all or none, or it just wouldn't work out.)

-don't teamkill on purpose (orbiting rocket into friend, killing yourself when the rocket is yours)

-don't map abuse

fun voting commands would include increasing rocket speed (125%, 150%, 200%), free for all, and others that I cant think of.


that is the gist of it. will attempt to make the most cancer, toxic and hard dodgeball map possible which probably wont be added but fuck it.






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We have taken these suggestions into consideration and made the following changes: 


Feel free to continue suggesting here.

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