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reviewed (GMod) Abuse Report [HG] Wonderland [M]


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Abuser Name

[HG] Wonderland [M]

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?

Zombie Survival

How long ago did this take place?

About 12 hours ago. I went to sleep afterwards.

Give us a brief description of the incident.

Zlisted/Zlocked x2, muted x1, perma gagged a player. 
Just finished a ZE map, server swaps over to a regular map and I'm simply gathering props. Wonderland tells me I'm not allowed to cade. References a time when I caded my way to his solo cade and brought humans along with me. I get what is a warning to not cade or else. His reasoning was I "Nail props down and I don't cade". I respond and I get zlocked. Then that point on, all I get told was "Its a rule that I cannot nail props down without intent of using them" followed by a mute. 
Don't have evidence of this, I was zlisted by him the map afterwards for bringing people to his solo cade. Same reasoning was I nailed props down without intent on using them. I spent 1st wave gather props and was zlisted after he saw that I was gathering props. From that point on, I started to record in-case it happens again. 
Time stamp/pointing out key details to smooth out the report. 
-Video #1: The reason why I am not allowed to cade. Simply for reference when watching video #2. 
-Video #2: Begins at 6:40. Best to watch it from there and watch the chat. 
-Video 2 @ 8:40 - Perma Gagged someone for being vocal over becoming zombie volunteer shortly after my zlock. 
Screenshot #1: We talk via pm because I'm muted. I'm telling him I did not nail them down with intention of "not using them".
Screenshot #2: I get told "That's what they all say". I believe this requires some evidence to prove I had no intentions of barricading rather then assuming I am guilty. 
Screenshot #3: Not as important. But I wanted to point out game tracker states I've only played as Zorga for 1 day at the time of being zlocked. I'm not sure where he got the last 4 days from. Additionally If he's only seen me cade once in the past 4 days, I don't see how it should have affected what happens in the future. In this case, the zlock. I don't recall doing such a thing to begin with. 
Screenshot #4: The props I was zlocked for.
Screenshot #5: The first zlock. Same scenario. I wasn't recording at the time being so I only have a screenshot but I figured I'd include it in.
Screenshot #6: Not as important but may explain the motive behind me being zlocked. Scroll to the bottom for the message. I do have a capture of this in video format if requested. 

Proof Links?









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Zorga, I told you time after time day after day after day to stop nailing stuff down when you dont cade and you just continue to do it day after day after day. 

Four days . Many many many many warnings.. Multiple Zlocks.. And yet every round you just continue to nail stuff down without intention of cading. You say your gonna cade.. And i tried to give you benefit of the doubt and yet you just kept doing it.. I literally informed you its literally a rule on the server.. Yet you just kept doing it over and over again. 


You have great proof of me telling you this every time.

Then in Capture 1# you troll the entire solocade by building a ladder for zombies and letting them up killing the remaining humans.


 Its literally a rule not to nail stuff down if you arnt cading.


Also the player permagagged was gagged the prior map for doing the same thing and decided to do it again

How much is too much?

You should have read the rules specifically 7 and 8


Also need to point out that no action was taken for any ladder or letting people into a solocade. 

Edited by Wonderland
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I don't recall being told to not nail props down without intent to barricade to the extent you say I am. I do recall only on two occasions that I was specifically zlocked/warned by you. Those two times are already provided. If there happens to be logs, perhaps this can be verified. 

Capture #1: The ladder that was made saved me and other humans who followed. I did not with intent let zombies go up, nor did the ladder persist beyond a wave if I recall correctly. The game is called zombie survival and I did what other humans we're planning on when the wave ended. 

I am very aware it is a rule not to nail props down without intent to barricade.  It was around 40 seconds into wave 0 and I was still gathering props to cade with. There was no way for you to determine my intent because I didn't even get a chance to build my barricade yet.

Edited by ZorgaTheBeeKing
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Every time you were Zlocked you were told why. I do not just randomly hand out Zlocks without informing the person as to why they were zlocked... There are logs of everything. DLs and DS have access to them.

Other than heresay you cannot prove you had no intent to let the zombies up. . You went into zombie spawn and built a ladder up to the solocade.. And then right when the wave started every boss was up on your ladder. Bit suspicious.

But alas the zombie ladder had nothing to do with any of your multiple warnings/zlocks

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I appreciate the proof and this should be set as an example for others trying to post an abuse report here.

I have talked with others and we all agreed that Wonderland followed procedure with how nailing props on the server is. I don't really know why you are nailing the props, but you don't really need to be nailing props down and then not using them especially when its near the person who needs them for their cade. I agree that you shouldn't have been muted after saying something, and I also agree that it was unfair that you were zlisted for bringing people to a solocade, as that's apart of the game and there is no rule against doing that. For that reason, this is going to be marked as reviewed. This really seems like something that we need to discuss, but not something that warrants demotion.

If you are still perma gagged just pm me or a mod ingame and have them unpgag you. 

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Wonderland, it's become apparent throughout each of your abuse reports that you prematurely mute or zlock someone without inquiring on the issue at hand. Understand that muting is not used as a mechanism to deny someone from defending themselves after being zlocked or punished for something else. Yes, they can use pms to talk it out with you but denying all chat is not the way to go. Same goes for using zlock itself, as Northground has said before you are too quick to judge the situation.

Zorg or Folding Table, whatever name suits you; clarification for what you are intending to do with the props is needed, and it IS very apparent that you leave props nailed for no reason given, either make sure you attend to your prop or be prepared for said prop to be admin sticked. 

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