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HG TinyChat


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That's what homer and I were talking about this morning. Teamspeak 3 hasn't made any webcam thing yet but from what both Homer and I were reading is that they are coming out with something soon for Teamspeak. But in the meanwhile we are going to use Tinychat but we are going to have more moderators in there to make sure it's under control and respectable. :)


well im pretty much in there all the time so i can some moderatin'.

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Dizy, I understand what you're trying to get at but you were on tinychat asking people not to cuss...

Tinychat will always attract trolls and if you don't want to be in that environment then just don't go to that tinychat.


yes there was one point where i was asking for a short period of time because my little brother was hanging around me and wouldn't go away. It's not like I was making them not cuss, I was just asking because I don't want him to grow up like me -- can't control his cussing and CONSTANTLY getting in trouble for it.

He already got suspended from school for calling some girl in his class a bitch...I'd rather not see it again.

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You shouldn't be going on cam unless you expect people to say shit like that. Most of it is from hormonal teens and a good solution is to not even put yourself in that situation if it's going to upset you.


Actually It wasn't really that they called me ugly lol I should've made that a little more clear...it was more of the fact that, as I've said, i've learned to expect respect from the hg servers and forums, and didn't know if there were actually rules being enforced, and if not why.

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Further trolling will result in forum infractions.


If you dont have positive feedback, or suggestions then dont post. I've noticed all the people being ignan't are the people who are pushing the limits on cam. (stripping, demanding tits, spamming porn links)

Yes..HG members..which is the point of this thread in the first place, to confirm that we do enforce the same rules as ingame.



If you say its the internet QQ deal with it. Then I'll say its a forum ban QQ deal with it.



Reviewing forum rules we see -

posts made with no subject matter, and flame threads (I H8 U OMGLOLOLOL FGT).

- are not allowed.




If you want to be immoral go to a dif tinychat.

Edited by JJK
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The way i look at it, dont be doing stupid stuff in HG tinychat. same as dont do stupid stuff in vent or servers. you want to be ass faces, go elsewhere. i fully support any tinychat mod who bans someone for being a moron.

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