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Okay so I have a problem...and some of you may go ahead and say "go to a doctor and s/he'll tell you what to do" but i has no money/insurance to do so here I am asking you guys lol.

My issue is that I'm too skinny...like...underweight too skinny...and I hate it more than anything. I've been trying everything I can to gain more weight but no matter what it doesn't work. One of my friends from school told me that working out would help me with my issue but the workouts that he told me to do only make mew lose more weight...being 105-110 ISN'T my ideal weight...I'm 5'8", 4 months from being 18, and last I checked I should be at LEAST 120 pounds. I was hoping that possibly one of you could give me some work out tips that will help me build a little muscle so i can be healthy and not be ashamed of my weight?

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Getting pregnant.

Eating bad food (which you already do)

Lift big weights!

Or...as long as your health isnt bad maybe its just the way Dizy is?

Im sure a doctor wouldnt mind a 2 minute phone call

(I like dizy the way she is)
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screw that

and eating a shit ton of junk food and unhealthy food REALLY doesn't work for me...you should know this lol

and i don't have money for weights...

i need workouts that don't cost money lmao

and nothing that works on my legs..they're muscly enough D: i could lift 365 with them in 7th grade xD

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Dizy, use google something along the lines of "Makeshift weights" use household items. Fill a bucket with rocks and use those as weights. Try to lift as much as you can. The more the weight the more muscle the more pounds. The less weight, the more muscle, with continuously losing weight, so you are not losing or gaining weight.

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Drop out of school and stay home and eat food and play css all day. I think that would work.


I do that without dropping out of school



Dizy, use google something along the lines of "Makeshift weights" use household items. Fill a bucket with rocks and use those as weights. Try to lift as much as you can. The more the weight the more muscle the more pounds. The less weight, the more muscle, with continuously losing weight, so you are not losing or gaining weight.


and thanks for the help...i'll be sure to keep that in mind and give it a shot.

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Hey Dizy just to inform you i think there's a desease (not telling you have it cause i still wanna live and dont get killed by you or jjk) called ; anorexia.

Some people have it maybe you do too.


Anorexia could be one of your troublemaker that will not let you gain weight, i'm sorry if i am wrong, ask Christina she knows better. ;p

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crazy horse, thats an eating disorder not a disease. big difference. and i'm sure dizy eats just fine. you could try and do the push-up challenge. take a deck of cards and shuffle them. flip over the top card. card number=amount of push-ups you can do. faces = 10 aces = 1. more push-ups=more muscle=more weight

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crazy horse, thats an eating disorder not a disease. big difference. and i'm sure dizy eats just fine. you could try and do the push-up challenge. take a deck of cards and shuffle them. flip over the top card. card number=amount of push-ups you can do. faces = 10 aces = 1. more push-ups=more muscle=more weight




What banana said, don't do cardio's at the moment, just keep doing up power trainings that will get you some muscles.

Edited by CrazyHorse One-Eight
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lol teenracer

thanks everyone and i'm never gonna resort to drinking beer....i don't wanna be fat just don't wanna be underweight

and banana is right..i eat more than just fine lmao

last night we went to a Chinese all you can eat buffet for dinner and i had 3 full plates of random foods they had and then had another plate of their fruits and then 2 bowls of pudding afterwards :x

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You have to get food that has the most calories. It probably has to be meat and I mean lots. Look at the Nutrition facts and make sure you get the most unhealthy thing for your body weight. I have no idea what that could be but ask around and don't buy diet mountain dew get the normal one and add more sugar.

Also a good idea to get buckets of fried chicken and eat all the skin with gravy and mayo. Also mayonnaise is your best friend. Take this from me I used to be super fat when I was in elementary school. Eat nothing but greasy foods e.g. McDonalds, Kfc, Tacobell, Burger king etc. Again eat ass loads of MAYONNAISE!!!!!

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Okay, after reading this...these all sound like bad ideas.


One of my best friends has the same problem as you. She's about the same height as you and is really skinny...she actually needs to bulk up to get into the Air Force.


Some of the things she's done is eat ice cream at night. So, try eating a bowl of ice cream before you go to bed.

You could also try working out and drinking protein shakes...yes, they are for those that want to get buff and gain muscle, but I'm not saying go ape shit and get like the hulk unless that's what you really want. What kind of exercise do you do?

For example, if you're just walk around the neighborhood, I wouldn't really call that exercising. However, if you lift weights, do push ups, sit ups, tricep dips, etc. Those should help. You can start off doing 3 reps of 8 or 2 reps of 10. Then, you drink protein shakes..they have them at Walmart. I know it may seem expensive, but it's been effective for my friend. Make your shake according to the instructions and the purpose of those shakes is to help you not be as sore the next day and it turns the protein into muscles and helps you get more muscles. You also aren't going to become the hulk from drinking protein shakes. My friend does these work outs and she hasn't gained body builder status. lol.

Also, I wouldn't suggest running. Running burns calories. In your case, you don't need to burn calories. Burning calories makes you lose weight. lol. So I would stay away from running.

Other than that, that's all I got. I hope this helps and good luck to ya! :]


oh yeah, eating habits. If you start working out right and drinking protein shakes, I wouldn't suggest eating mcDonalds and buckets of mayo (disgusting) I'd eat more proteins and veggies..a healthy diet. While a healthy diet helps you lose weight...if you combine that with working out and protein shakes your focusing on gaining more muscle and filling your body to what it should be (120 pounds) instead of what it is now :]

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