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مع السلامه

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Due to some of the recent changes, I don't want to play on the servers anymore. Suggestions/criticisms get ignored when they are nice, but are responded to with extreme butt-hurt when they are bold. No point in engaging in some slow, delicate social engineering process with overly sensitive people I don't particularly care for when I can just leave and go play somewhere else with a setup I enjoy more.


If I'm on your BL: feel free to hit me up if you need a few more for a 10-man or something.


Otherwise, bye.



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Suggestions/criticisms get ignored when they are nice

Pretty sure when the suggestion is "take this crap off" it's not nice.


Please add an option to disable the crap.


They are terrible.


If I wanted skins and hats, I'd install them myself.


Yea sure does sound nice to me, guess this is a legitimate reason for leaving and not in any way shape or form to get attention. ok bye.

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Pretty sure when the suggestion is "take this crap off" it's not nice.




Yea sure does sound nice to me, guess this is a legitimate reason for leaving and not in any way shape or form to get attention. ok bye.


The fact that you found the "bold" post rather than the "nice" ones I've made multiple times before about the same exact thing pretty much proves my point.


Don't flame or don't post.


Lata kid.

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The fact that you found the "bold" post rather than the "nice" ones I've made multiple times before about the same exact thing pretty much proves my point.


Don't flame or don't post.


Lata kid.


Aww see come on I was going to be like goodbye man but then I see this shit? You are flaming all over the place...... fire crotch

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Ya'll just are seeing the big picture as to why Chillin is leaving. It's not just because of the recent updates, it's because of everything he feels angry about as a whole. This particular incident just ignited the fuse inside him that has been growing. I know what you are saying Chillin.


I shall miss thee. =(

Life is precious, take care buddy.

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The fact that you found the "bold" post rather than the "nice" ones I've made multiple times before about the same exact thing pretty much proves my point.


Don't flame or don't post.


Lata kid.


It doesn't matter how many nice posts you make if you start off with that in anyway shape or form, i agreed with you in the sense maybe they could add a !disable on your other post but you lost your cool and your intelligence in that post i quoted. Its like doing charity work day in and day out and 3 weeks down the road you tell an old person to go fuck themselves and do it themselves. You may have done something nice and positive but if you end it on something like that then thats what people are going to see. And thats exactly how I'm going to treat you "kid."

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It doesn't matter how many nice posts you make if you start off with that in anyway shape or form, i agreed with you in the sense maybe they could add a !disable on your other post but you lost your cool and your intelligence in that post i quoted. Its like doing charity work day in and day out and 3 weeks down the road you tell an old person to go fuck themselves and do it themselves. You may have done something nice and positive but if you end it on something like that then thats what people are going to see. And thats exactly how I'm going to treat you "kid."


weeman is alive?

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Come back when your not on your period. We could pull some strings and figure something out. =)


Not really on my period yo. The response from Homer kind of put me into troll mode from that point on.


I respect the time that was put into the skins, and a lot of people like them, but I am so ardently put off by them that I don't even want to play if I have to see them. I've been trying to communicate this on and off the forums for at least the last 6 months without ever even getting a yes/no response or a non-mysterious hint. The main message I got was a council member basically telling me I should just buy premium to hide it.


I suspect Faded might have been trying to help me, but I'd imagine that thread made him regret it. If that's the case, I apologize to Faded.


If you allowed the premium items to be disabled with a command for everybody to use, a few people without premium might disable it, and then never see the point in buying it when they might have otherwise. However hypothetical that may be, it could happen, and why risk that for only a few people who disliked them if the bills are ostensibly struggling to get paid?


This was a battle I felt i wasn't going to win regardless of how I went about it, and no one communicated otherwise. And as I've said, I dislike the items to the point of not wanting to play on the servers, and they were going to stay, so I quit. Why would I be in a group whose servers I don't like to play on? Logic said to quit and move on rather than make you have to demote me for inactivity.


Not sure why you people are playing a high and mighty version of troll in my goodbye thread anyways. I clearly stated why I was quitting because of the rules in the sticky, not to enrage these yuppies to the point that staff breaks the rules to make some dismal attempt at feeling superior or something. He must've been pretty mad to go ahead and break the forum rules while in the position of someone who should set a good example. Pretty mad indeed.

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Not sure why you people are playing a high and mighty version of troll in my goodbye thread anyways. I clearly stated why I was quitting because of the rules in the sticky, not to enrage these yuppies to the point that staff breaks the rules to make some dismal attempt at feeling superior or something. He must've been pretty mad to go ahead and break the forum rules while in the position of someone who should set a good example. Pretty mad indeed.

Yes I'm MADDDDDD that someone i never played with is leaving the community, and i did no such rule breaking. Did i tell you to get out or LEAVE. I simply pointed out the parts where you made an ass out of yourself, which you did and said bye. This is the internet i don't give a shit about having a bigger epenis then you or anyone else. And you even just stated you went into trollmode after Homers response, so of course YOU'RE GOING TO GET TROLLED RIGHT THE FUCK BACK. Seriously thats 2 points now you don't seem to understand why this thread has gone to shit.

1. "Oh man crap is crap so im gonna leave, but its ok I was nice about calling it crap."

2. "Oh well since i didn't get the response I wanted I'm going to troll now, BUT OH GOSH I'M GETTING TROLLED BACK STOP BREAKING THE RULES PPLZS OMGAWD".


Seriously do you even read anything before you hit that "Post Quick Reply" bottom at the bottom right? Everyone has the right to a leave post but if you are going to troll in it then guess what, you dont fall under that rule anyways.

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