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HG jailbreak server repeat crashing


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The reason for the constant crash's are because A) Admins are trying to deal with someone breaking the rules. or B) The terrorist with the the bomb either blows himself up or is killed for not following orders correctly. and yes it is all servers that use source mod, i think. So the only thing to do now and wait for valve to realize that they fucked up and fix everything. Or until all servers are updated to deal with the new update, either way your going to wait.

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  • 4 weeks later...

on that note. can you guys make a script that will mute everyone except the WARDEN that typed in ! . (mute everyone for like 30 or 20 senconds?) I have buffer overflow issues and have to mute at all the non-sense. I tend to keep all the CT un-mutted and a bunch of the funny horse un-mutted also. I know I know my grammer sucks.


oh oh... one more... when we actually have 52 people in a game. it never seems like there is enough time. maybe bump it up a minute or two when all 52 people are playing


p.s. popsicles and hot pockets :o) mmmmmmmmmm

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