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Im posting this because i think this is about how everyone else feels.


The jailbreak server has gone downhill ever since the bomb was nerfed. the CTs used to stay a good distance away, but now that it has been nerfed the cts bait, and they are just derps. CTs bait, freekill, gunplant, dont follow lead orders, dont read motd before being a ct.

Worst of all. The admins. They could care less if ANYONE but them gets freekilled. if they see someone get freekilled they will laugh and not care at all. but if it happens to them, they get all pissed off and they slay and teamswitch the person. Sometimes admins will see people baiting, or gunplanting, AND NOT CARE. how long does it take to type !slay (name)????


I am tired of getting baited and freekilled, etc.

1) when someone tries to join ct, it should bring up the motd, and have a little sidebar... or somthing

2) The admins need to be looked at. like maybe an upper admin comes in disguised and watches them or somthing? Because im tired of the admins not doing thier job.

- An example of this. Hobbes got freekilled about 6 times in a row. Guy with the face was in the game and was laughing and not caring, every so often he would slay someone. he only teamswitched 1 person. Later on i was trying to lead and he started spamming. i told him to shut up, and soon after i got kicked. i came back and got banned for 120 minutes, i would rather not say why. But im just TIRED of the admins not doing ANYTHING about derp cts.


This is all. Tell me what you think.

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I'll say it since someone will come in here and say it anyways.

Get proof and report them

Admins don't HAVE to do anything

We are working on jailbreak things currently

Have a nice day (<--One thing you won't get from most people)

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Whoaaaa, im not trying to report anything... Im just saying it makes me angry that the admins dont do thier job. admin is a Privalge ( dont know how to spell it ) and the admin who pays for it should use it correctly, and if they dont. Take it away. I have been co-owner of a server, and if someone didnt use thier admin the right way they got stripped. im just saying, you should look at your admins.


P.S. mark ty.

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Whoaaaa, im not trying to report anything... Im just saying it makes me angry that the admins dont do thier job. admin is a Privalge ( dont know how to spell it ) and the admin who pays for it should use it correctly, and if they dont. Take it away. I have been co-owner of a server, and if someone didnt use thier admin the right way they got stripped. im just saying, you should look at your admins.


P.S. mark ty.


admins, just like you, like to play JB to have fun. unfortunately, admins are not all-seeing and moving to spec to watch fkers is not fun. people dont pay to have admin to not play. for the most part, if you look at forums/ban reports, JB admins are on top of it. that being said, like mark stated, if you see an admin abusing or misusing his powers, please post on forums. other than that, there's no job requirement for someone who pays to have extra bonuses on JB. i'm really sorry you've had problems so far, if you think a player is fking a lot and nothings being done about it, feel free to demo and make a report :) have a good day.

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Whoaaaa, im not trying to report anything... Im just saying it makes me angry that the admins dont do thier job. admin is a Privalge ( dont know how to spell it ) and the admin who pays for it should use it correctly, and if they dont. Take it away. I have been co-owner of a server, and if someone didnt use thier admin the right way they got stripped. im just saying, you should look at your admins.


P.S. mark ty.


No it is more of a hobby. If I was getting payed to be admin then it would be a job. You come here and complain about freekilling with no proof. Where do you expect this thread to go? Baiting, fking, and gunplanting are UNAVOIDABLE. This is jailbreak, people are dumbasses. And the bomb getting nerfed has nothing to do with this people are just stupid. If the server is going so downhill go somewhere else where you think the server isn't going "downhill"

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Im posting this because i think this is about how everyone else feels.


The jailbreak server has gone downhill ever since the bomb was nerfed. the CTs used to stay a good distance away, but now that it has been nerfed the cts bait, and they are just derps. CTs bait, freekill, gunplant, dont follow lead orders, dont read motd before being a ct.

Worst of all. The admins. They could care less if ANYONE but them gets freekilled. if they see someone get freekilled they will laugh and not care at all. but if it happens to them, they get all pissed off and they slay and teamswitch the person. Sometimes admins will see people baiting, or gunplanting, AND NOT CARE. how long does it take to type !slay (name)????


I am tired of getting baited and freekilled, etc.

1) when someone tries to join ct, it should bring up the motd, and have a little sidebar... or somthing

2) The admins need to be looked at. like maybe an upper admin comes in disguised and watches them or somthing? Because im tired of the admins not doing thier job.

- An example of this. Hobbes got freekilled about 6 times in a row. Guy with the face was in the game and was laughing and not caring, every so often he would slay someone. he only teamswitched 1 person. Later on i was trying to lead and he started spamming. i told him to shut up, and soon after i got kicked. i came back and got banned for 120 minutes, i would rather not say why. But im just TIRED of the admins not doing ANYTHING about derp cts.


This is all. Tell me what you think.


So ima just adress everything here.


bomb wasent supposed to kill 50 cts, the radius is fine, you can kill like 3 cts and start a rebellion. Its hard enough to lead a day with a bomb that is over powered.

ct bait freekill and gunplant? buy admin in, admind are horrible? BUY ADMIN THEN. Every time i come on if somone baits, i slay and teamswitch, if they gun plant, they get tlisted. Dont complain about admins when you can go and get admin yourself in a matter of minutes.


Cts are going to be derp, regardless of what you do. The motd used to come up when you joined, and people still free killed and such. The system we have in place allows us to permantly t-list people and temp tlist them too. Do you even realize how many people are on the tlist? how many of these derp cts have been dealed with?


You arent doing anything to help the problems of the server by sitting here bitching about admins and cts, go buy admin and help keep the server clean.

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If you took admin away from people who didn't use it, nobody would buy it, then we wouldn't have servers, then we wouldn't need admins, then we'd not have people complaining about admins OMG YOU JUST SOLVED THE PROBLEM!


Good night btw (<--- won't hear that much from people)

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Im posting this because i think this is about how everyone else feels.

The jailbreak server has gone downhill ever since the bomb was nerfed. the CTs used to stay a good distance away, but now that it has been nerfed the cts bait, and they are just derps. CTs bait, freekill, gunplant, dont follow lead orders, dont read motd before being a ct.

Worst of all. The admins. They could care less if ANYONE but them gets freekilled. if they see someone get freekilled they will laugh and not care at all. but if it happens to them, they get all pissed off and they slay and teamswitch the person. Sometimes admins will see people baiting, or gunplanting, AND NOT CARE. how long does it take to type !slay (name)????


I am tired of getting baited and freekilled, etc.

1) when someone tries to join ct, it should bring up the motd, and have a little sidebar... or somthing

2) The admins need to be looked at. like maybe an upper admin comes in disguised and watches them or somthing? Because im tired of the admins not doing thier job.

- An example of this. Hobbes got freekilled about 6 times in a row. Guy with the face was in the game and was laughing and not caring, every so often he would slay someone. he only teamswitched 1 person. Later on i was trying to lead and he started spamming. i told him to shut up, and soon after i got kicked. i came back and got banned for 120 minutes, i would rather not say why. But im just TIRED of the admins not doing ANYTHING about derp cts.


This is all. Tell me what you think.


1) Of everything wrong with jailbreak you picked the fucking bomb nerf to bitch about? T's win over CT's at a ratio of roughly 999999999999:1 anyways, so giving them a bomb with the blast radius of a small country will just have the CT's never win. Point being bomb is fine as it is.

2) Admins that paid for admin don't have to give two shits about what goes on in the server, even if a band of hacking racist monkey's enter the server they are under no obligation to do anything about it.

3) If your tired of getting baited and admins not doing anything then buy admin, or report people.

4) MOTD pops up when you join the game, if they don't read it then they won't read it if you display it to them on CT.

5) "Admins need to be looked at..." - Refer to #2

6) If you talk back to admins expect to get banned, simple cause and effect.

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Whoaaaa, im not trying to report anything... Im just saying it makes me angry that the admins dont do thier job. admin is a Privalge ( dont know how to spell it ) and the admin who pays for it should use it correctly, and if they dont. Take it away. I have been co-owner of a server, and if someone didnt use thier admin the right way they got stripped. im just saying, you should look at your admins.


P.S. mark ty.



Buy admin and take care of it yourself

If admins are doing wrong on the server, get proof and make a report

We don't get admin for good behavior. We get admin for our money...we don't have to do anything because of the fact that we pay money for it. We also like to have fun

So, again...if you have an issue with someone not being taken care of, get proof or buy admin.

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Lol...the bomb was not nerfed


we had to revert back to earlier code, which was when the bomb was at its currect state.


youre lucky we were able to pull that off so you coudl play on the server that you hate so much

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