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i Think i had a stroke today...


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Ok so today i was in the car all day so id do my normal rountine drink a monster rehab. Then about an hour later i drank another one because i was still tired this is where it all went to hell. About 2 hours in when i get to my destination i get a blindspot in my eye meaning i couldnt see half of my vision in my right eye. Eventually the blind spot went away, But then it gets worse. I stand up to make my bed and everything gets dizzy and my hands go numb, so i thought it was just me sitting still for a while until my face and my entire mouth goes compeltely numb too, until i cant feel my whole face. This went on for about 1 hour i thought this would be something serious like a stoke or something but i just ate and drank water so it went away. So whats your opinion should i go to a doctor i feel fine now?

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Strokes affect one side of your body. Only one hand, one eye, one side of your mouth, etc. would have gone numb or been rendered unable to move.


this. thats why my nan is half "paralysed"

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You are 16 years old. And you are experiencing something that I (24 years old) have never experienced.


And at your age, drinking energy drinks is terrible. People dont realize that energy drinks are much worse than originally thought. People think it will help them regain energy, maybe so. But it will also damage your body much more than drinking a regular coke or sprite. Best way to regain energy? Sleep for atleast 8-10 hours a day. Eat healthier and stop sitting on your ass and playing video games all day. Do something.


And if you have health insurance, get checked out ASAP!


If you dont have health insurance? Follow those directions lol. Is exactly what I do.

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sounds like you were dehydrated.

Face being numb hands to. Probably had some tingly feelings in your fingers.

All energy drinks and no water will actually make you thirsty. Energy drinks make water go through your body very quickly.

Seen a few of my friends drink a red bull before football practice and half way through practice get to ride on a ambulance.

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sounds like you were dehydrated.

Face being numb hands to. Probably had some tingly feelings in your fingers.

All energy drinks and no water will actually make you thirsty. Energy drinks make water go through your body very quickly.

Seen a few of my friends drink a red bull before football practice and half way through practice get to ride on a ambulance.


Your friends are retarded. Also, caffeine is actually not a diuretic until you start hitting 500 mg or so, therefore, it's probably not to blame for someone showing symptoms of heat exhaustion. On the flip side, running with caffeine in my system has a tendency to make me puke after a few miles, so your mileage may vary.


TLDR: I'd go get looked at. The partial loss of sight in itself probably isn't a big deal, but everything together probably isn't normal. You probably also want to remember if also had a headache, the sweats or were flushed at the time.

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