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"POST IT UP!" Weekly(or so) Competition! Pt.1


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Hello all recruits/members/veterans of HellsGamers!


Today, I would like to introduce a weekly(or so) competition just for fun for everyone! What are the rules?


Simple: Just post a video and a picture that makes you laugh or smile or whatever.


Why are we doing this? Well, the reason is simple: I will be giving away free games/admin/etc. to the winners!


Now, I've devised a point system for everyone to even it out for everyone. There will be TWO winners in each category for each competition. First place receives 2 points and second receives 1 point. Once a person reaches 5 points, they have won a free game or whatever they choose! You may keep points for a longer time for a better game or longer admin or whatever. Also, you may transfer points or a prize to someone else if you would like. You MAY LOSE POINTS, ALSO! To keep yourself from losing points, try not reposting anything someone else has posted in a recent competition. Also, if the video/picture is vulgar/gross/etc, you will lose points. Negative pointing is allowed, and I will do so. If you reach -10, you will not be eligible for a prize in the future!


TL;DR Post good videos and pictures, win chances for prizes. Post bad, lose chances.


Good luck to you all! This weeks competition will end 1/20 12:00AM EST. Winners will be chosen 1/20-1/21 by myself.


And just for shits and giggles, here is MY personal favorite video this week and picture:




EDIT: If you post something that I used to watch all the time and I still enjoy it, you will receive 1 point for that!


The competition is now over for this week! The winners that I have chosen are:

For videos: RedDevil - 2 Points (Classic trash talk. Hilarious!)

And Kimzy - 1 Point (The original video where the sound comes from just makes me laugh when I watch this. Great!)

Also 1 point to mccain for reminding me of Klay World!


As for Photos:

Mccain - 2 Points (I don't know why I laughed, but Kimzy is british so it was funny.)

JJK - 1 Point (No explanation needed. Hahaha.)


Congratulations to you all! The next contest will be 1/28 or 1/29. Keep a look out for it and good luck!

Edited by Muse
forgot pointthing
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