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its 첫번째 보호자 from jail break, aka cheosbeonjjae bohoja, aka oni son (the easiest one) I am a korean/ mexican mix that have originations from Souel, Korea and El Sabador. I am currently 18 (will be 19 on the 25th) I do work and plan to start college this fall, I just moved into my own apartment and just got my car. I am a systems engineer for a company called Wlakercom, but I contract my work out to Avaya and IBM and other big companies like JP Chase Morgan. I still dont know if this is what I will do for the rest of my life but its a hell of a start!


I have been gaming on a pc since I was about 7 and built my first computer at 10. I have been playing CS 1.6 and CSS since 02. I didnt actually join a community untill about three years ago. Sadly I started out with EGo but left after I got tired of the constant butt hurting rules and the no cussing cause we love our 12 year old rules. I went to Ng (Noob Galore) I do love their servers just wanted more than regular Office and Dust so althogh i play on their servers often I stopped afiliating myself with them.


I have gone by the following names in CSS







and 첫번째 보호자


I think HG is pretty cool so I am going to poke my head in and see what happens :D

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Welcome to the forums... now please stop freekilling. You're tlisted more times a day than Archer's voice cracks. Please be less stringent with the Ts.


I actually played all day and didn't get T-Listed, I do not freewill and when i have freekilled (by accident, I have killed myself). Most of the "freekilling" I do is killing derp admins that are not following orders and just because they are admins they instantly slay me saying i was freekilling... it has gotten to the point where I do not even look at admins cause its not worth arguing over them. There are TOO many admins and I know they help support the community but that is what I like about NG, admins are not earned by buying them. They have donator perks and what not but The amount of admins (and the ones that derp) will be what makes or breaks me staying with this community. Then when I say something people just say "well record and report them!"


So I am suppost to baby sit admins and spend my free time reporting them instead of enjoying Y'alls awesome Jailbreak server... I don't mean to rant but you catch my drift.

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Welcome to HG :)! Hope to see that you might join!


Welcome to forums.


Hello and welcome to the forums! :D


Welcome to the forums :)

I laughed at "more than Archer's voice cracks" haha :D


Nice write up by the way :)


Welcome jailbaiter! Errr I mean jailbreaker :)


Welcome to the forums! cya in jailbreak sometime :)


Welcome to the HG forums.


Never heard Archer's voice crack.


Thanks, I also play SCII and WoW (no i do not play D3 because i do not believe i should have to be online to play single player...) but I try to link all my games in steam so I am usually available. I might take up admin (I want to explore more the HG servers before I commit) I have been an admin for probably around 4 years now. I am currently an admin for Wazgamer servers, but my history goes back to NG, NR, eGo, and several other small servers. I am most familiar with the Mani plug in. But during the week days ( I work Mon - Fri 8-5) you might see me pop in here and there for my lunch break. I am also A+, Net+, Avaya SMEE, ACSS, ACIS, and adobe certified so if you have a techie question lead them my way. Well, najung-e boja, see you guys on the servers!

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