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(sillys)1. how many dick pics on average are uploaded to zhost and dloaded daily?


(surius)2. How did you react/feel when you first heard you got promoted?


(sillys)1. has rawrash ever uploaded a full nude pic to websites stated in question 1?


(surius)2. What do you think was the greatest addition you've done for the community/servers/forums/etc?

Edited by youthedog
mispelled pics.. hmm
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1. I've seen Crosshair's dick far too many times. There were a lot when I was around.


2. When I was promoted to staff I was pretty much just waiting around for it to happen. I knew I was helping a lot and also knew I made friends with the right people to get me into the higher echelons of HG. As for Council I don't know, I just remember feeling like I had more responsibility but it turns out I actually did less.


3. I don't know. Hopefully.


4. Probably when I paid for half of the Mullet Box in order to move our ever-popular Jailbreak server out of Bort's basement and expand our TF2 division.

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1. Heard it's less than they want it to be nowadays :0

2. I was really sad and vao told them to stop and just promote me already cause the trollin would make me cry :3 (yus, I got trolled hard before I got promoted :(:( )

3. She might have not but I know others uploaded nudes of her there lol.

4. I don't do anything I just play cute.

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1. out of the thousands pages probably 1% ish... unless you're specifically looking for it, you probably won't see much.


2.Apprehensive, ambivalent Dx


3. Not sure I've seen more pictures of rawr ash uploaded by minors than of her doing it herself.


4. I dunno >.<

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Ignoring dicks and rawr ash (dicks in rawr ash?)...


1. I wasn't really expecting it, but I was glad to be in a position to contribute more.


2. I used to deliver swift and direct violence to those that polluted our Source server, but now I just try to make sure the community is an enjoyable place to be.

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how many dick pics on average are uploaded to zhost and dloaded daily?

I dont got zhost admin cause im british


How did you react/feel when you first heard you got promoted?



has rawrash ever uploaded a full nude pic to websites stated in question 1?

i hope not


What do you think was the greatest addition you've done for the community/servers/forums/etc?


repopulated perp

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