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Boot's Storytime!


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HEY HG, I definitely know I miss being a veteran with you guys. I regret my decision to leave cause I could really use as much support as I can get right now. Life keeps turning shittier and shittier, day after day.


So, December 3rd, 2012. I will be losing my house to foreclosure and it's going to be sold at an auction, in which we will have 30 days to vacate the premise. So pretty much, this is my last Christmas in the house that I have lived in since I was 5 years old. 15 YEARS spent living in this house and now it's all going to be gone.

We will be moving into my mom's cousin's condo a few towns over and I guarantee I will not have the same internet I have here. If we end up getting it at all. So that's that situation.


As some of you know, I just got out of a relationship in which my girlfriend cheated on me. Well it was a shitty relationship all together cause she was never around because she goes to ISU. To wrap this up, fuck her, I am moved on, I still feel insecure.


Job job job. I am having no luck in finding a job. I get to the first or second interview and then they never call me again after that. It's starting to get ridiculous and if I don't find something soon, I am probably going to die of failure and disappointment.


Anyways, in light of all of this darkness, I have been accepted to Illinois State University for the Fall 2013 semester. So hopefully that doesn't fall through or I am literally fucked.


I miss you guys and I just wanted to post a good update for you all. ;)

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Damn BooT :(


Just get those hopes high! Study a lot at ISU promise me that, i force you to get a good/excellent job.


What are you studying anyways? If its something to do computers i demand you to become the CEO of Razer and gimme everythang


Good Luck BooT, May God be with you.

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Damn BooT :(


Just get those hopes high! Study a lot at ISU promise me that, i force you to get a good/excellent job.


What are you studying anyways? If its something to do computers i demand you to become the CEO of Razer and gimme everythang


Good Luck BooT, May God be with you.


Nah boss, I am going for Physical Education and Coaching.

I will also be getting my athletic training certificate so that I can become a personal trainer!

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Sorry to hear man, If all else fails with the jobs the food service isn't too hard to get into, even if it's just a local restaraunt with low pay. Even though it isn't much it sure beats the hell out of nothing. Good luck in the upcoming months man


I didn't even get a call for an interview with McDonalds...

I applied at 4 Subways, same thing. ): it's not easy at all.

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Hey good luck finding a job. I think you should go to a place that has positions that require the college degree that you're getting and work in a non-degree type position. Then, if you're lucky, once you get your degree, you could be promoted to the higher paying position.



Good luck and see ya around! :(

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BooT, You gonna make it through this. Just start asking around for anytype of job, from friends or neighbors. See if any of them work at a retali store or something, even look into working Overnight. It blows when they cheat on u, but their is always someone else, and since u have Tons of Swag ( Fuck yes i said it) you will be fine. Also dat cute voice helps. Any way, Just keep faith that it will all workout someway or another


Gl Man

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