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Damn It - Ram Issues?


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Thread related https://hellsgamers.com/topic/75921-damn-cooling-thingy/


So i sent the mobo to asus and i received it today and seems they have replaced the part because the socket is clean and not like before.


Now i bought this cpu cause otherone they wont replace it http://www.amazon.com/AMD-FX-8150-8-Core-Processor-FD8150FRGUBOX/dp/B005UBNLFK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352225812&sr=8-1&keywords=processor+amd



Problem i m getting now is if you can see this pic, when i try to start pc with regular power button, fan works but nothing else, no display either.


Then when i press the go button shown in pic then the light which says DRAM_LED, it keeps blinking so idk whats the problem.


Any ideas?


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Might have to do with the cpu, if you can get it to post try and flash latest bios to support bulldozer/piledriver.


Edit: also try and reset cmos(pull power and pull out the battery).

Edited by ThatShortKid
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  On 11/24/2012 at 6:54 AM, RageQuit said:

I would just Google "DRAM_LED" and look at all the results. A lot of things could be wrong, but this thread could be relevant.


Alot things to try i ll do it when i get home.


  On 11/24/2012 at 6:55 AM, SuperSkreech said:

what motherboard is that and what did you use to get the paste out of the cpu socket




  On 11/24/2012 at 9:25 AM, Cookie said:

did you slap on thermal paste in that too?


No cause new cpu had already paste on it, i mean the fan.


  On 11/24/2012 at 10:35 AM, ThatShortKid said:

Might have to do with the cpu, if you can get it to post try and flash latest bios to support bulldozer/piledriver.


Edit: also try and reset cmos(pull power and pull out the battery).


I tried the pull power but dont work, idk how to do that flash thingy.

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Given how I've had a similar problem, I'm slightly inclined to believe that your motherboard is either malfunctioning or you're not plugging everything in correctly. Did you try to reach display with your graphics card and the one on your motherboard? If you can reach display with your graphics card then there must be something not working properly with your motherboard.


Edit: After looking at Rage's link, it would seem my conclusion is correct if you tried that and it isn't fixed.

Edited by Mèrcury
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