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Perp Bugs


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I'm going to make a list. I shall list. Post more and I shall add.




When played it shows the Welcome to PERP 3.0 title screen and you can hear the demo advancing but it doesn't visually.



[ERROR] gamemodes/perp2.5/entities/weapons/god_stick/shared.lua:857: attempt to call method 'IsASSAdmin' (a nil value)

1. v - gamemodes/perp2.5/entities/weapons/god_stick/shared.lua:857

2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:75



Bank breaks -


Occurs when you fill your inventory, or when buying things from shops.


CBaseEntityList::AddNonNetworkableEntity: no free slots!

CBaseEntityList::AddNonNetworkableEntity: no free slots!


[ERROR] gamemodes/perp2.5/gamemode/vgui/warehouse.lua:66: Tried to use a NULL entity!

1. LookupSequence - [C]:-1

2. unknown - gamemodes/perp2.5/gamemode/vgui/warehouse.lua:66


Driving/Cars -


Models aren't handled properly and do not transfer to first person.


Multiple car sounds don't work such as mini cooper, not wealthy enough to own them all to list all their names.


Murcielago wheels float, and passenger in the second seat floats outside the car.


Certain cars need to be waited such as Bugatti and SL65.




Uzi's have extremely low damage rates.

Deagles have extremely low damage rates.

Reload takes multiple times occasionally.


Menus -


Cocaine doesn't show in inventory, icon is distorted.


Equiped items are extremely enlarged.


Inventory and Trade menu can both be opened causing glitches.


When having a full inventory or one empty from full and you trade someone money and hit accept it notifies you that your inventory is full and when you try to trade anyone (you and your person you were trading) you cannot trade until you rejoin.


Gangs -


The F3 menu is broken, and isn't synced, MOTD part is useless does nothing. When gang members are removed they don't show that they were removed from the list, and same with when they're added.


Weed -


The model isn't set to be downloaded so you can't see it unless you have it previously downloaded.


Radio -


Bass module is still broken.


Warranting -


On the list you can warrant people for the default warrant reason which says "Warrant Reason..."


Regeneration -


Regeneration is significantly decreased and doesn't work at lower levels.


Balloons -


Occurs when baloons pop


[ERROR] ...modes/perp2.5/entities/effects/perp_balloon_pop/init.lua:46: attempt to call local 'Color' (a userdata value)


1. unknown - ...modes/perp2.5/entities/effects/perp_balloon_pop/init.lua:46


Lockpicking -


Can't lock pick cars, alarm doesn't go off for it either.


Unclassified Errors -


No such variable "$refracttexture" for material "nature/water_canals_water2_dx70"

No such variable "$refracttexture" for material "nature/water_canals_water2_dx70"

No such variable "$refracttexture" for material "nature/water_canals_water2_dx70"

Edited by Fallen
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Last night Tyler Blessing's Audi was able to keep on driving after it ran out of gas. It was stuck on 44.4, and when you tried to turn it off it said "This car is out of gas!" not a bad glitch. Wouldn't mind if it wasn't fixed :P I mean, never filling up your car again? Awesomeness.

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Last night Tyler Blessing's Audi was able to keep on driving after it ran out of gas. It was stuck on 44.4, and when you tried to turn it off it said "This car is out of gas!" not a bad glitch. Wouldn't mind if it wasn't fixed :P I mean, never filling up your car again? Awesomeness.


They kinda have to know how to reproduce it to even bother listing it.

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