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I Love How...


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Cleaver BRK replacing Atmas Trinity. Gj riot.


If BotRK would actually synergise well with all AD caries, I'd agree. To me, not all champs can synergise their abilities with BotRK fully :/

Otherwise, :(\


Addendum: I understood that LW is better for high armor champs anyways than BCleaver



Edited by enigma#
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If BotRK would actually synergise well with all AD caries, I'd agree. To me, not all champs can synergise their abilities with BotRK fully :/

Otherwise, :(\


Addendum: I understood that LW is better for high armor champs anyways than BCleaver



What I gathered from the Cleavs and LW that LW is an on-hit item where as Cleavs is only good if you have a Dot so the whole team can work with the 4 stacks you're puttin out. MF's ult is an example, each bullet time hit applies a stack so by the end of it (if you placed it well), everyone or four of them would have 4 fresh stacks of the Cleavs.


But I digress,


People really shouldn't be criticizing on Larry's points in his thread, or well arguing. He does have valid points and well he did expect the arguing to happen and its inevitable that it will happen, he did not make his post in an argumentative fashion, the only people refuting the argument are the people starting the argument itself.

Edited by .Prime
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What I gathered from the Cleavs and LW that LW is an on-hit item where as Cleavs is only good if you have a Dot so the whole team can work with the 4 stacks you're puttin out. MF's ult is an example, each bullet time hit applies a stack so by the end of it (if you placed it well), everyone or four of them would have 4 fresh stacks of the Cleavs.


But I digress,


People really shouldn't be criticizing on Larry's points in his thread, or well arguing. He does have valid points and well he did expect the arguing to happen and its inevitable that it will happen, he did not make his post in an argumentative fashion, the only people refuting the argument are the people starting the argument itself.

Both things said here are correct. Cleaver really now (after its nerfed nerfy nerfs) is really only good for champs with DoT physical damage. The best example is physical bleed (Talon Q, Draven passive), but dots like Garen's E, MF's ult, and Renekton's W (two hits, but in combo with his other abilities easily get you to four stacks) and other armor reduction abilities like Jarvan's Q, Urgots E, and Taric's W also synergize very well with Cleaver. Otherwise, flat AD or armor penetration is better. Armor reduction overall is fairly overrated, but with a few champs/abilities it is still good.


And as OPrime also stated, there is a civil and productive way to discuss some of the more poignant topics I touched on in the OP. However this isn't the place (from what I envisioN .ed at least) for it. Find me in ts and we can have a hearty debate (if I'm not doing something else) about what good leadership for HG/strat would look like. One thing we can all agree on though is that what we had before wasn't working, hence why we all ran away to Australia together.


Kangaroo Jack says hi by the way. #OrgyWithPickles

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I love how some of the most qualified people in HG will likely never get a chance for leadership because other people are filling up the holes with superfluid (that's a chem/phys joke and a good one!). Hurry up and promote: Headband Moo Suicide Navi Oreo TehPlaayer Hobbes


My name isnt there, why isnt my name there?

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I love how Riot nerfs Warmogs and Atmas because too many people were building bruiser. Then they nerf GA and introduce cleaver and now everyone's building Warmogs again.


I love how strategy now has two members of leadership, neither of which really play the game strategy was deisgnated to run, League of Legends. I also love that we'd be hard pressed to find someone for DL because no one would be willing to listen. Got a good bunch of people here. XD


I love how every thread I post in ends up in an argument between ME and someone. FYI, I don't even believe or agree with half the things I say. I post to provide opposing points to what would otherwise be one-sided and blind suggestions given this community's demographics. Socratic Method, Devil's Advocate, or Gadfly Poking; call it what you want. It's to promote discussion not to promote division.


I love how I've been saying for months that we don't need half these advisors, and instead we lost half these leaders.


I love how Michigan Law School isn't going to get my acceptance notice to me until after I have to put in my deposit for Maryland Law.


I love how long it took to realize mccain needed to be a leader. I also love how long it will probably take for Suicide to get the same.


I love how this show I'm watching has people fighting with chemistry and breastmilk.


I love how HG's gone from being a polis to a nation-state, and yet the proper government for a nation-state (a republic) still doesn't seem to work for anything other than administration.


I love how CSS, GMod, and even TF2 events get 40+ people while strategy events struggle for 10. I love how it's due in large part to the strat advisors not having access to send out steam messages like the 10 I usually get every time there's a TF2 event. I love how we were told we didn't have access because we didn't need it. And yet I love how everyone who joins HG is still required (unless the rules changed) to join that steam group.


I love how every time I say "blank person will get banned eventually," it always happens. Pz Belkashif.


I love how this thread will probably turn into another argument and/or get deleted for no reason. I love how that happens. Just me talking about what I love. Let it go.


I love that 4 or so years ago I found the crazy jailbreak server. I love that 3 or so years ago I got banned by DJ2 for going full italk and through that found the forums. I love that 2 or so years ago I joined HG and Jella and I laughed through my application talk because I had been around longer than her. I love that a year or so ago I was given veteran and a number of times I was given advisor. I love that my presence here means a lot to a lot of people, but more so I love that a lot of people I've met here have given me so much. I love that what was originally a place for me to just play games and be disgusting has become a place I can build relationships, establish hope, and in some cases share a theological and even basic love for God with others.


I love how some of the most qualified people in HG will likely never get a chance for leadership because other people are filling up the holes with superfluid (that's a chem/phys joke and a good one!). Hurry up and promote:









I love how HG's meant more to me in the past 4 years than my Bachelor's degree. I love how God's carried me through either way and I'm on my way to law school next semester. Thanks guys.

what about [HG] Carnie for [A]? left him out

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