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Stop Muting Hldj For Dead Players.

Should dead players be HLDJ muted?  

29 members have voted

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I actually thought my hldj stopped working but I finally figured out the on CS:GO Jailbreak that dead players are unable to play HLDJ, even just for themselves. Should this be changed? what does the community want?



1: no sprays

2: restricted hldj


p.s. anyone who uses hldj no ear rape NO EXCEPTIONS, use a high quality file.


best quality tutorial here


Edited by ✗Load3D
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You can play them while you're dead but only you can hear it, and if everyone could just play hldj while they were dead would be retarted sorry to say. Do you understand the amount of effort admins would have to do to keep from mic spam and make sure it didn't get too loud when it's already loud as hell?

Edited by Mr Hugh Janus
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HLDJ tends to cause half the problems in the server, especially with people that play terribly retarded music (like that one guy that has server minus the 'er' and add an 'o') or they end up spamming 'comedy tracks' for someone to just 'lul' in chat.


I like the idea of restrictions of HLDJ to hg only, but not sure how that could be implemented.


I also like the remove it all together idea.

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I think this just adds onto the additional HLDJ spam, someone alive with HLDJ will want to play a better/ another song and since this dead player is playing his crappy music and some people are just living with it, it just creates a huge arguement

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You people... can't read... simple English.


He's saying HLDJ is disabled so that when you're dead and your mic is muted, you also cannot listen to your own music through HLDJ. Frankly, I have no idea why anyone would WANT to do that over using itunes or winamp or some other music player. Likewise, I have no idea why he felt the need to use HLDJ while dead as if it's not annoying enough while you're alive. Still, your posts about "BAN HLDJ" and "GOOD YOU SHOULDN'T BE BOTHERING PEOPLE WITH IT ANYWAY" are not only irrelevant to the original post, but are also systematically making all of you (and the clan whose tag you wear) look stupid. Fix yo shit.

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You people... can't read... simple English.


He's saying HLDJ is disabled so that when you're dead and your mic is muted, you also cannot listen to your own music through HLDJ. Frankly, I have no idea why anyone would WANT to do that over using itunes or winamp or some other music player. Likewise, I have no idea why he felt the need to use HLDJ while dead as if it's not annoying enough while you're alive. Still, your posts about "BAN HLDJ" and "GOOD YOU SHOULDN'T BE BOTHERING PEOPLE WITH IT ANYWAY" are not only irrelevant to the original post, but are also systematically making all of you (and the clan whose tag you wear) look stupid. Fix yo shit.


Almost as stupid as 'Real'.

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