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Admins Gunna Admin

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Don't disagree with admins or they will lock your threads. Later.



First Reaction, Last Reaction

Lead CT will give orders such as crouch, stand, do a 360 spin and will add First Reaction or Last Reaction before their order. If the CT says First Reaction, the first T to fulfill the order will be killed. If the CT says Last Reaction, the last T to fulfill the order will be killed. To decrease the amount of accidental freekills, CT's are encouraged to choose a "Designated Shooter". Once they do this only the CT('s) mentioned will be able to kill losing T's.

Edited by Ziggy Zaggs
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You were already told multiple times what you did wrong, The reason you are still tlisted is because you didn't try to learn from that, instead you just argued an invalid point.

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>>The rules are quite clear. In last reaction, you kill the last person to do the order. In first reaction you kill the first person.<<



As I've been saying, the rules are not clear. There is no rule posted anywhere against killing multiple Ts on first reaction.



hey look i'm helping

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Like a typical tyrant reddevil recedes his never offered revocation of my ban after his position is used to try and intimidate and belittle. No, I don't agree with your non-existent rule.


here is a list of rules..... https://hellsgamers.com/topic/22996-official-list-of-jailbreak-games/


First Reaction, Last Reaction

Lead CT will give orders such as crouch, stand, do a 360 spin and will add First Reaction or Last Reaction before their order. If the CT says First Reaction, the first T to fulfill the order will be killed. If the CT says Last Reaction, the last T to fulfill the order will be killed. To decrease the amount of accidental freekills, CT's are encouraged to choose a "Designated Shooter". Once they do this only the CT('s) mentioned will be able to kill losing T's.

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Dude what do you not understand? You were wrong in the first place and arguing about it is not gonna make it any better, trust me. Anyways this isnt a democracy. You cant go to court and state your rights. The only rights on HG are the ones they say you can have so dont try to bring that into discussion. Also a 1 week tlist is better than a ban so I suggest that you stop arguing and either play t for a while, or not play at all...

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WHAT!! YOU GOT BANNED FOR THIS...ridiculous, Its like this morning when I got pulled over by a police officer, he tells me "You are not permitted to drive on the wrong side of the road".....WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?

...In all seriousness though, you are an idiot and should drop this immediately, surprised you didn't get a forum ban yet.

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This is to much to handle. Reddevil pointed me here and I swear I can't stop laughing. Now time for your public lashing.


First reaction kill the first simple.


Argue with admin ESPECIALLY STAFF? Yea your asking to get the B.


So when addressing the issue versus actually reading the rules and accepted you fucked up you continue to fight with people. Nice.


Lets point out that you have multiple offenses against the T's.


Open and shut case, This guy is a tard. Case closed.

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When lead says first reaction jump, the first one that jumps dies only.


When lead says last reaction jump, only the last person that jumps should die.


If you're killing more than one person on first reaction or last reaction, you're freekilling.

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When I first read the abuse reports, I loled. Now reading this, I'm on the verge of tears. ( possibly from laughing but now its almost pity ) The rules have been shown to you multiple times and your own blissful ignorance is going to get you banned. Derpers gonna derp.

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CT: "first reaction eat the candy cane"


*One T reaches for the Candy cane and eats it


followed by a second T reaching for it but doesn't get a hold of it.*


Who do you kill in this situation.


who ate the candy cane...


First reaction is that, the first one to perform an action will die. that is it. no more. It is not at your discretion. it is how it's played.



my advice to you sir is this...play T.


unless you get bant..then wait it out bro. there are plenty of games, out there. don't burn bridges.

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I see alot of OPINIONS about this, but only one rule. One that doesn't say anything about killing multiple Ts. I've already made my point in the links.

I play by the rules as they are posted in their official areas, not based on the opinions of reddevil's friends

Edited by Ziggy Zaggs
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Ok, Ziggy if you look at :https://hellsgamers.com/topic/22996-official-list-of-jailbreak-games/ and scroll down to where it says "First reaction, Last reaction" in big bold yellow letters you will clearly see that is says this: If the CT says First Reaction, the first T to fulfill the order will be killed. I don't see how it could be any clearler? It's even bolded! If you have a problem with the rules or understanding it you could of easily asked, "Hey, could you kindly tell me where on the page it says that I can only kill the first T during first reaction." Things would have been explained to you, but no instead you decided to claim that the rule isn't clear enough and then decided to go on and say HG admins are power hungry, calling Reddevil a tyrant etc. etc. Just realize that your t-list isn't going to get revoked or shorten simply because the rules are quiet CLEAR. SO my advice to you is to just except it and man up

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I see alot of OPINIONS about this, but only one rule. One that doesn't say anything about killing multiple Ts.


First Reaction, Last Reaction

Lead CT will give orders such as crouch, stand, do a 360 spin and will add First Reaction or Last Reaction before their order. If the CT says First Reaction, the first T to fulfill the order will be killed. If the CT says Last Reaction, the last T to fulfill the order will be killed. To decrease the amount of accidental freekills, CT's are encouraged to choose a "Designated Shooter". Once they do this only the CT('s) mentioned will be able to kill losing T's.


Check and mate

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You messed up man, sorry.

FIrst reaction is first reaction. The first T to fuck up is the only T to be killed. I think everyone has made that clear..

Anyway, seeing as how you're in a pretty deep hole and keep digging it, i would advise to you these few things:

1.Jailbreak is a game, you fuck up you fuck up. Simple as that

2.Your ass is about to be grass if you continue to argue with staff. (Because you are ACTUALLY WRONG! SO STAHP IT)

3.I do believe the whole "Rules arent clear enough" is bullshit. The game itself is explanatory. The only reason why other ts should be killed on this game is because they think they are the "first one" and run about like chickens.


5.Complaining like an idiot and saying YOU'RE RIGHT and NOT BREAKING RULES when it clearly says you fucked up, makes you look like a bigger idiot than most of the people on jailbreak.

Enjoy these tips, but it might be to late already..

Edited by blackberry4511
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