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May Demotion List


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You may have noticed our roster just dropped by about 140 people. This is because they were inactive on the forums (and had no leave of absence posted).


The following members have been demoted for being inactive for 90+ days:

[HG] -veNoM_-

[HG] 2ez4u

[HG] AcidRaeyn

[HG] Alextherude

[HG] Black Reaper

[HG] DarkBlade

[HG] deadaim

[HG] Demon

[HG] DerpTurtle

[HG] Divot.

[HG] Dr.

[HG] Drastik

[HG] EpidemiK

[HG] Fps_Ben

[HG] gambit

[HG] General_xXx

[HG] grave

[HG] Hael

[HG] Jainafel

[HG] Le Flame

[HG] LSGraal

[HG] Lumino

[HG] Maycausepain

[HG] Mroddish

[HG] Nikolai Rascolav

[HG] Shack

[HG] Sharkbait

[HG] ShiZZy

[HG] short023

[HG] Sveina

[HG] Sweet

[HG] ToQuE

[HG] Weird Addeh

[HG] xHalfDeadx


The following recruits have been demoted for being inactive for 60+ days:

-hg- !soapbox!

-hg- Ace4603

-hg- AK_Farthera

-hg- Alvin

-hg- An1mal

-hg- Anax

-hg- Awesomepwner

-hg- azekiller

-hg- AznPenguiin

-hg- Baba

-hg- BiggieSmalls

-hg- BLIZZARD11145

-hg- Boost

-hg- Brutakus

-hg- Bubbasnafu

-hg- cabex420

-hg- CipherN9ne

-hg- cocophuffz

-hg- Code


-hg- crit.bstar

-hg- CrossBow

-hg- Cs_Psycho

-hg- DarkShine

-hg- darth irule

-hg- Daz

-hg- dellpc155

-hg- Dirk Diggler

-hg- dissolved evolution

-hg- Dj_Karl

-hg- dkLoki

-hg- Dockter Pepper

-hg- Doomshine

-hg- Dota Pro

-hg- Dr. Slaymaster

-hg- Dukat

-hg- Eatmacookie

-hg- Ello

-hg- Entelgen

-hg- ExistingGod

-hg- FeaR

-hg- Fluffum's

-hg- Foxxy

-hg- Frostbite

-hg- Gladosexe

-hg- grapEcrusH

-hg- Hobag

-hg- Hobnobzz239

-hg- hobodemuerto

-hg- iBanana

-hg- INoScopedJFK

-hg- Ira

-hg- isaac30114

-hg- isolatedgamerzPC

-hg- iTriggz

-hg- JakeNBake

-hg- Jamerson

-hg- Jamezzar

-hg- Jamezzarr

-hg- JayWolfx

-hg- Jeff^

-hg- jeremynettles

-hg- Jerry the Old

-hg- JimmyRustler

-hg- jWr1120

-hg- Karen

-hg- Konasta

-hg- Kryptonite822

-hg- locowilone

-hg- Luck of the clover

-hg- lula

-hg- Luleb

-hg- Manignort

-hg- Marcos Silva

-hg- marcus fenix

-hg- Maskkiller93

-hg- Matt

-hg- maxie

-hg- McRib

-hg- mec120

-hg- MetalLobster

-hg- Mike Henderson

-hg- Minges Incorperated

-hg- mp122868

-hg- Mr. Business

-hg- neuroticnick

-hg- Night Elf


-hg- nromanelli021000

-hg- oldboomboom

-hg- OptionaL

-hg- Panda Bear

-hg- Philosopher Daniel

-hg- Phsyixx1

-hg- PIKACHU123

-hg- Prospekt

-hg- Rinsterber

-hg- Ritzenhoff

-hg- SabithaSuki

-hg- Sato

-hg- Scream

-hg- Shaddjr

-hg- Shame

-hg- Silent_Gears

-hg- Slackjaw

-hg- sop

-hg- Spedione

-hg- SteveFrench

-hg- Steven.

-hg- Stogiee

-hg- Summers

-hg- suncatdog

-hg- supreme +

-hg- Suuunoma

-hg- Taukima

-hg- technofuzz

-hg- TeemoTime

-hg- TehGunmaker

-hg- The Royal Shogun

-hg- TheDoctor

-hg- TheWaffle360

-hg- Tiksouls

-hg- Toasty Toast

-hg- TomHanks

-hg- toxic.sleetz

-hg- TPrezzle

-hg- Tronberr

-hg- Tydude7455

-hg- ultimatewiz

-hg- Uprising

-hg- V.V.DOOM

-hg- WhiteWidow

-hg- Wookiefister

-hg- Wyatt

-hg- YungLoops

-hg- zeak56

-hg- Zimix

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