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Road Rage


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Anyone here ever had a story of road rage they care to share? I had an incident last night where I was riding my bike at 10:00pm here in Miami when a guy cuts me off. I chased him down for about 2 miles and made him pull over. Thankfully wasnt to heated to kick his ass but I put the little git in his place and hopefully made an impression to watch for motorcycles next time.



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I'm a delivery driver in a tourist town and all the tourist (referred to as fudgee's) drive so damn slow and like morons. There's this one 4 way intersection but only a 3 way stop sign. Assholes always stop when coming from the side that has no stop sign..


Last week, while entering the on-ramp to the expressway someone wouldn't get into the further lane so that I could merge. I had to practically stop and drive on the shoulder of the road because the asshole wouldn't move. I would have flipped them off if I didn't have the company sign on my car :/

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Anyone here ever had a story of road rage they care to share? I had an incident last night where I was riding my bike at 10:00pm here in Miami when a guy cuts me off. I chased him down for about 2 miles and made him pull over. Thankfully wasnt to heated to kick his ass but I put the little git in his place and hopefully made an impression to watch for motorcycles next time.




Are you almost done with that jailbreak map? -lack

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yeah i get ran off the road in my WRX like the 3rd day i had it, thank God no we did not crash, just spun out. I chased the lady down, I guess she call her BF to have him meet her at a gass station becuase I was following her. When she finally pulls in, this HUGE MUSCLE MEAT HEAD bf tries to yell at me, oh boy this Puerto Rican always has a machete in the car. Well he shut the fuck up when I told him I will cut him and his GF, like she cut me on the highway. Police show up, I guess a a machete wielding lunatic scares ppl, and arrest the BF, he was wanted for some dumb drug crimes, the police recognised the foool. Well I got yelled at by police, but in the end he knew how I felt. Do not mess with me or my kids, the end.

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I have road rage against slow ass dumbfucks on fast lane, if they want to drive 70 they can be in slow ass lane, stupid derps.


I have over 70 is against the law, but dont fucking drive slow in fast fucking lane, there are 2 other lanes drive your ass there.


Sometimes i just want to run them over.

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I have road rage against slow ass dumbfucks on fast lane, if they want to drive 70 they can be in slow ass lane, stupid derps.


I have over 70 is against the law, but dont fucking drive slow in fast fucking lane, there are 2 other lanes drive your ass there.


Sometimes i just want to run them over.


tlist them

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Whenever I see a semi on a two lane highway, I always speed up to be level with him, then go the exact same speed for a few miles. Huehuehuehuehue


May wanna be careful with that. A lot of semi drivers don't care. Me being one of them. I give people 5 blinks of the blinker, they either speed up or slow down because on the 6th blink I am switching lanes.

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Im sorry but anyone who rides a bicycle on the road expecting to be treated like a driver should be hit very hard with that car. "OHOHHO it has wheels so its a hazard to old people on the side walk", idiots. sorry but its true.

Edited by HaRdKnOcKz
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Im sorry but anyone who rides a bicycle on the road expecting to be treated like a driver should be hit very hard with that car. "OHOHHO it has wheels so its a hazard to old people on the side walk", idiots. sorry but its true.


In cities where they are required to ride on the road I believe they should have to provide registration and have it covered under insurance as well.

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Anyone here ever had a story of road rage they care to share? I had an incident last night where I was riding my bike at 10:00pm here in Miami when a guy cuts me off. I chased him down for about 2 miles and made him pull over. Thankfully wasnt to heated to kick his ass but I put the little git in his place and hopefully made an impression to watch for motorcycles next time.



Did you die and come back to life? Are you Jesus?

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When people piss me off on the highway I usually accelerate and pull up in front of them and slow down so they have to slow down, and then when they try to change lanes, I change lanes too. Goes on for a few minutes until I feel like they've learnt their lesson.

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