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[Css Only] Rep "reset"


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The following changes have been made to rep, in order to "reset" it.

  • Everyone who had more than 20k rep had their rep set to the maximum value of 1. 20k. 2. The number of drugs picked up * the maximum drug worth (9)
  • All gangs had 5 levels subracted from them, and then if the resultant level was more than 12, the level was set to 12.
  • All gang backs have been set to 0.
  • players can now only give other players a maximum combined total of 12, 000 rep a day. pay special attention to this...

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR DONATORS I realize some of you have actually donated for your rep. Don't worry, this amount will be added to your rep: max(min((min(current_rep, 5000) + (drugs_found * 9) + (donated * 350)), current_rep) - current_rep, 0). BUT this will take time, as there is a huge list for me to cover. Probably take up to a week, if not longer.


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR WHINY BITCHES: This happened. Get over it.



edit: Oops, made every gang level 5. That wasn't supposed to happen, but it happened. #nothingtodo


edit: Also, these changes were made based on a backup as of Wednesday May 29th at 8am PST.

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The New gang we created earlier today, KittyCats, is no longer there. Why is that?


I'll add this to the first post but the reason is because this was done based on the backup I took about 14 hours ago. Anything between that time and now never existed.

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AQ only started back as lvl 2, it looks like others were started higher....we are lvl 13 now from everyone donating but if others started higher give us those gangpoints!!!

This reset was a long time coming!!


P.S- also need to reset the amount of gangpoints donated total for each player to their gangs, it is still showing millions and millions for everyone so we can't track it.

Edited by Sidarius
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