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July Demotion List


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The following members have been demoted due to inactivity for 90+ days:


[HG] Ashley

[HG] bean-

[HG] booms

[HG] Brokenhope Magoo

[HG] cheesecake

[HG] darkkiller

[HG] Desa

[HG] Dexter Morgan

[HG] Drew-

[HG] diK

[HG] EchoSniper

[HG] eggar

[HG] hungryhippo13

[HG] IceVayne

[HG] Kerreb17

[HG] Kris-tayne Vigiltore

[HG] lolitsjack

[HG] MadeMaster

[HG] McDill

[HG] MiG

[HG] Mr. Pedobear

[HG] Paradhyze

[HG] Phirewire

[HG] Phusion

[HG] Psychopath

[HG] randos

[HG] Rapt0r J3sus

[HG] shad0w440

[HG] Sofa KIng

[HG] Stonewall

[HG] Tivik

[HG] Zapp

[HG] zeus


The following recruits have been demoted due to inactivity for 90+ days:


-hg- -veNoM_-

-hg- 8connor

-hg- 'blind

-hg- AcidRaeyn

-hg- Alextherude

-hg- ATL

-hg- barmirohan

-hg- Big D

-hg- Bigdogdk

-hg- Biohazard206

-hg- BreaD

-hg- Chesticles69

-hg- Cupcake

-hg- DarkBlade

-hg- deadaim

-hg- DeafMariner

-hg- Decoy Toaster

-hg- Detective Sprite

-hg- dirtyeskimo

-hg- Drastik

-hg- ennio morricone

-hg- EpidemiK

-hg- Flash

-hg- FTR-1H

-hg- General_XxX

-hg- grave

-hg- Hellsing

-hg- HG- destructionman70

-hg- Hobo

-hg- iwillkillu612

-hg- Jainafel

-hg- JakeBomber

-hg- KILLJOY982

-hg- LAME

-hg- Le Flame

-hg- Lovegun

-hg- LSGraal

-hg- Lumino

-hg- MasterImpulse

-hg- Mroddish

-hg- NDKilla

-hg- Niakash

-hg- Nightswiper

-hg- Nikolai Rascolav

-hg- NinjaSingh

-hg- Pin

-hg- R1FLE

-hg- Ramp Age

-hg- rawrewree

-hg- Rezz

-hg- RunningWild

-hg- Sabino

-hg- Sharkbait

-hg- ShiZZy

-hg- short023

-hg- Slader007

-hg- Smashcraft

-hg- solced.

-hg- Solstice

-hg- Sveina

-hg- Timedoctor23

-hg- ToQuE

-hg- TwinLotus

-hg- tyva

-hg- xHalfDeadx

-hg- Xiba

-hg- Zii poop

-hg- ЯзѕтÅзѕѕÄзатђ


Please remember to stay active on the forums, servers, and teamspeak 3!

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There are two different "last active" dates that are shown for a member. There's one on the roster page, and there's another that shows when you hover over the user's name. The one on the roster page is always the farther one back in history, whereas the date that shows on hover is more recent. I want to guess that one is based on last post, while the other is last log-in. Is this demotion list based on the dates on the roster page? There are some users here that have dates well within the respective activity time frames based on the date seen by hovering.

Edited by RageQuit
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There are two different "last active" dates that are shown for a member. There's one on the roster page, and there's another that shows when you hover over the user's name. The one on the roster page is always the farther one back in history, whereas the date that shows on hover is more recent. I want to guess that one is based on last post, while the other is last log-in. Is this demotion list based on the dates on the roster page? There are some users here that have dates well within the respective activity time frames based on the date seen by hovering.

This should probably be looked into. I remember way back when I was being given "the shpeel" by Jella, she worded it more-or-less that as long as you log into the forums you are considered "active" by the forums and thus not up for demotion. I know I have also said something similar for the few recruit apps I handled back when I was an advisor. If other advisors have been saying similar things and people have been acting accordingly (logging in once in a while to remain "active") because that's what they were told the bare minimum was, it wouldn't make much sense to fault them for it.

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There are two different "last active" dates that are shown for a member. There's one on the roster page, and there's another that shows when you hover over the user's name. The one on the roster page is always the farther one back in history, whereas the date that shows on hover is more recent. I want to guess that one is based on last post, while the other is last log-in. Is this demotion list based on the dates on the roster page? There are some users here that have dates well within the respective activity time frames based on the date seen by hovering.

I see, I'll look into why that is happening and fix it. Thanks.
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