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Are You Mad Yet?

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Metadata (metacontent) are defined as the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data, such as:

  • Means of creation of the data
  • Purpose of the data
  • Time and date of creation
  • Creator or author of the data
  • Location on a computer network where the data were created
  • Standards used

Now let's say your fantasy land of government listening to every single call in the United States, both foreign and domestic, were true.


(If you want to check my numbers)

Now if the NSA wanted to listen to every call in America, (I will assume each call takes 30 seconds) each employee of there 30,000 plus department would have to listen to at least 5100 days worth of phone calls. But wait? Aren't there only 365 days in a year?


The NSA doesn't care about your late night phone sex calls sync, they care about terrorist speaking to foreign contacts. The NSA isn't even listening to the call content. They just know where it was made, how it was made, how long the call took, and in some circumstances (say a registered cell phone) who made the call.


Mad that I destroyed your image?

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