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Lol Hypocrites.

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I hope you weren't trying to make a comparison between chemical/biological weapons and cruise missiles. I also hope you weren't trying to make the comparison between firing on unarmed civilians and firing on heavily armed military installations. As either of those would just end up making you look incompetent.

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I hope you weren't trying to make a comparison between chemical/biological weapons and cruise missiles. I also hope you weren't trying to make the comparison between firing on unarmed civilians and firing on heavily armed military installations. As either of those would just end up making you look incompetent.




Did I mention anything about cruise missiles in my post? Did I mention anything about firing on civilians?



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Just trying to help :)








So, how would you propose to fix our pollution problem? Make planes magically not emit fumes? Have no one in the world fly? It's not that simple, but you can post a clever meme or tag line and think you are the most intelligent person in the world.


What is even more stupid is the fact that you compare chem trails to chemical weapons. Chemical weapons are designed to hurt people. They are not an unfortunate by-product of using certain vehicles. We work to make sure that our atmosphere is less polluted by things like planes and cars. We should also work to make sure that less people suffer and die from weapons that should not have been used after the first world war.

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Sync's talking about the conspiracy theory that some planes that fly over leave a persistent contrail which are chemical agents, used to dumb down the population. It's a pretty probable theory, the US government is already putting fluoride in the general water supply, if anyone doesn't know what fluoride does to your brain and body look here. We could start lots of conspiracy theories on this forum, but they mostly end in people getting opinionated and pissed at each other. And the American invasion of Syria is stupid, it's fine for the syrians to shell civilian cities and kill eachother with guns, but if they used chemical weapons it's a big no-no. When the US invaded Iraq they broke international law by not waiting for a report by the UN Security council. If they invade this time it will be like restarting the Cold War. Russia has lots of ships stationed in Military ports in Syria and if the US come prancing in they'll just make the situation a LOT worse. You've got Hezbollah in the south "helping rebels" and they're probably the ones using chemical weapons. If you asked me Syria was a lot better off with Assad, just like Iraq was with Saddam and just like Libya was with Gaddafi.

Edited by Lenin
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Sync's talking about the conspiracy theory that some planes that fly over leave a persistent contrail which are chemical agents, used to dumb down the population. It's a pretty probable theory, the US government is already putting fluoride in the general water supply, if anyone doesn't know what fluoride does to your brain and body look here. We could start lots of conspiracy theories on this forum, but they mostly end in people getting opinionated and pissed at each other. And the American invasion of Syria is stupid, it's fine for the syrians to shell civilian cities and kill eachother with guns, but if they used chemical weapons it's a big no-no. When the US invaded Iraq they broke international law by not waiting for a report by the UN Security council. If they invade this time it will be like restarting the Cold War. Russia has lots of ships stationed in Military ports in Syria and if the US come prancing in they'll just make the situation a LOT worse. You've got Hezbollah in the south "helping rebels" and they're probably the ones using chemical weapons. If you asked me Syria was a lot better off with Assad, just like Iraq was with Saddam and just like Libya was with Gaddafi.


Thank you! Could not agree more. :)

Edited by SyNc!
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Sync's talking about the conspiracy theory that some planes that fly over leave a persistent contrail which are chemical agents, used to dumb down the population. It's a pretty probable theory, the US government is already putting fluoride in the general water supply, if anyone doesn't know what fluoride does to your brain and body look here. We could start lots of conspiracy theories on this forum, but they mostly end in people getting opinionated and pissed at each other. And the American invasion of Syria is stupid, it's fine for the syrians to shell civilian cities and kill eachother with guns, but if they used chemical weapons it's a big no-no. When the US invaded Iraq they broke international law by not waiting for a report by the UN Security council. If they invade this time it will be like restarting the Cold War. Russia has lots of ships stationed in Military ports in Syria and if the US come prancing in they'll just make the situation a LOT worse. You've got Hezbollah in the south "helping rebels" and they're probably the ones using chemical weapons. If you asked me Syria was a lot better off with Assad, just like Iraq was with Saddam and just like Libya was with Gaddafi.


Thanks, I needed a laugh today.

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Sync's talking about the conspiracy theory that some planes that fly over leave a persistent contrail which are chemical agents, used to dumb down the population. It's a pretty probable theory, the US government is already putting fluoride in the general water supply, if anyone doesn't know what fluoride does to your brain and body look here. We could start lots of conspiracy theories on this forum, but they mostly end in people getting opinionated and pissed at each other. And the American invasion of Syria is stupid, it's fine for the syrians to shell civilian cities and kill eachother with guns, but if they used chemical weapons it's a big no-no. When the US invaded Iraq they broke international law by not waiting for a report by the UN Security council. If they invade this time it will be like restarting the Cold War. Russia has lots of ships stationed in Military ports in Syria and if the US come prancing in they'll just make the situation a LOT worse. You've got Hezbollah in the south "helping rebels" and they're probably the ones using chemical weapons. If you asked me Syria was a lot better off with Assad, just like Iraq was with Saddam and just like Libya was with Gaddafi.

I'm not American, but as far as i see the US government puts it's ass where it doesn't belong. They just make things a lot worse, not to mention that it may be the reason Gaddafi was killed, same with Sadaam.I was very sad when i heard that Gaddafi got killed, my people really liked his regime and so did i. I also noticed that a lot of you peeps aren't 'a fond of' your government. Its an American justice where they can use chemical shit on others, while they destroy the people who did it like they did. I bet they will just send in some planes and helis to Syria, to make a mess, but actually just because they want the goddamn oil.
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If American people die in waiting rooms because they don't have insurance, don't believe they are going into other countries for humanitarian reasons. As per chemtrails, what about aliens? Bigfoot? Lochness? All theories that are funny to think about. Inb4 Canadian and duntcur.jpg.

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