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Well Here's What Happened A'ight?

Snoopy :)

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I was just ordering mcdonalds alright, that's where all the thugs eat at alright?

some dood just walked behind me and started pusin' me :"o

And I was like, "brah, why you be trippin'?"

And he was like "get out of muh face"

And den i wus like "you tryin' to start somethin'"?

and he was like "bitch, i'll beat yo ass"

and den i wus like "fite me irl"

and den he wus like "bring it *racist name*"


we start fighting

this was an intense fight

The employees was like "brah's, stawp fiting"

but we was like "stfu and go back to flipping dick patties"

so then they did

the police arrived

but i beat them up too

cuz i'm a thug

eventually, the dood gave up and i won.

I got my big mac and i got out of the restaraunt, and I ate my big mac while running away from the cops because apparently I can't just beat someone up...

I took an airplane and went to New York and I changed my name and everything a'right?

and I'm going to be living there for a while..

thug lyfe's a hard lyfe :(

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