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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/19 in all areas

    3 points
  2. Hi everyone and yes i'm back with a new guide Now this guide will be very proper and cover all the topic i'll be talking on my previous guide . This guide will be split into a total of 3 parts . Part 1 : Introduction Part 2: Different Types Of Medical Supplies on ZS ( on HG Only ) Part 3 Ending & My thoughts on Medic Part 1: Introduction I'll will be comparing both TF 2 & ZS together In TF2 , There's different classes , the medic, the heavy , the spy etc etc this is the same as ZS, however in ZS, the classes are: Shooter , Medic , Cader , Suppler , Repairer & Defends Medic is the most important , they are the one in charge of healing other players to the fullest and making sure everyone is ok during the outbreak attack . Although sometimes there aren't any medic and everyone end up dying . Here's why MEDIC is very important ! 1) There will be some dumb bitches running like there's no big fucks ( New players tend to run around and dying , start whining that no one heal them ) 2) The Poison ( Certain zombies like Poison zombie , poison headcrab , Pukepus have poison and they usually throw or puke on players, which damage them every single seconds ) 3) Objective rounds ( In certain objective maps , there will be one or two part that requires you to hold up til the door opens , this is where most players will die so they will need lots of healing ! ) 4) The KASB ( Or the Kleiner ass sluts bitches , these are the one who tends not to listen and minge like big fucks , so they usually wants you to heal them and demands you to do it ! ) Medic does give you lots of points depending on the traits you brought from the worth menu Without traits it's usually Medkit: 3 points per heal Medical Handgun: 2 or 3 points per heal depending on where you heal them Medical Rifle: 2 or 3 points per heal Healing Ray: 1 point per heal Mednade or Medical Grenade: 1 point per heal or depending on how many players are in a room Part 2: Different Types Of Medical Supplies On HG ZS , There's 5 different types of Medical Supplies Medkit Medical Kit or Medkit ( in short form ) is the most common medical supplies to find around ZS . It allows you to heal yourself and other players however there's an recharge every few seconds Healing yourself: 20 seconds per heal ( 10 HP without traits per 20 seconds / 13 HP with traits per 20 seconds ) Medical Kit is very useful overall , as I've stated above, it allows you to heal yourself when hurt and also heal other players Medical Pistol/Handgun & Rifle Medical Pistol / Handgun & Medical Rifle are the same weapons . Both weapons allows you to shoot and heal at the same time However both weapons DOES NOT allow you to heal yourself , it can only heal other players Medical Handguns heals around 3 HP per heal ( 2 or 3 points ) Medical Rifle heals around 8 HP per heal ( 2 or 3 points ) Both weapons are useful if you're planning to be a shooter and medic at the same time ! Healing Ray Healing Ray is a new addition medical supplies on ZS . It's heals players without any recharge However Healing Ray CANNOT be purchase on worth menu , it can only be found on crates and cost around 180 points ( Correct me please ) Healing Ray heals around 1 HP per heal ( no Recharge ) Healing ray is very profitable and it's one my favourite medical supply weapon to use Although it's not really an weapon , it is an tier 4 weapon and only has 2 stocks left . Medical Grenade Medical Grenade is a useful grenade that heals players in one area . Once thrown , it will blow out a blue gas and it's call an healing gas . However you only have 20 seconds to get the healings you need before the gas disappears. Medical Grenade can ONLY be purchase on worth menu , this includes it's cousins Medkit & the Medical guns Medical Grenade cost around 70 worthmenu points so it's very expensive . Medical grenade has also the most SLOW recharge , around 1 min per heal ( usually prevent cheating or unfair ) Part 3: Ending & My thoughts on Medic In conclusion Medic is still very important , in any cases, you can just take out your medkit and start healing players if they are hurt Bleeding is the most serious case as they can bleed to death from certain zombies My thoughts is that if you're new on ZS , just start on Medic if you're into healing . I've been healing for years now ( 6 years ) and it felt very great although there were changes in the past few years, it still one of the most profitable way to make points . That's all i'll say for now , if there's any questions about Medic or healing, please leave a message down below and i'll answer them ASAP . Don't leave a private message to me .
    1 point
  3. So a problem i noticed today on the servers zombie side is: Bullsquid: A massive version of the poisen headcrab, whilst also being less effective. My recommendation : move to wave 2, or increase the amount of projectiles. Spitter Zombie: This zombie went 2 steps forward, then 3 steps backwards and fell down 4 flights of stairs. My recommendation: Add the Aoe back, make base dmg to human 7-8, cade dmg 6-7, reduce range massively. Boss selection: Random boss Used to be this cool feature with wich one could get a boss that is not unlocked yet. Now its just.... My recommendation: Remove the button and feature, No one is gonna even look at it. Waste of space in boss menu. Supply A-B Regenerative Ability: Supply regens health at an insane pase, and if it is a room away, zombies can farm it for points, step away, wait 10 secs for it to reach full hp, farm again My recommendation: Remove the Regenerative feature, If its outside the cade, Its outside the cade.
    1 point
  4. No wonder humans loose all the time - more busy making those dumb things than shooting the zombies.
    1 point
  5. Given the fact that most of the times you have to ask for one and this takes a lot of time waiting for a nice player to put one.
    1 point
  6. No point in having random boss in the menu, it was only used to achieve bosses who were not unlocked yet. The supplies being able to regenerate HP is stupid, and can even be used to farm barricade points as long as zombies let it get back to it's original HP and have humans around.
    1 point
  7. i have not got any of my badges yet...
    1 point
  8. People have expressed interest in learning, sharing, or enriching their knowledge of programming/modeling/mapping/whatever HGDC related, so I thought I would see what people are most interested in, feel free to select as many as you would like, as long as you are serious about learning it! Edit, descriptions: My apologies, I did assume some knowledge when posting this. Some of the descriptions are simplified and I try to provide more information than historical background. Web design (HTML/PHP/CSS/RoR/???) HTML is sort of the base of what all web pages are written in. Most languages use/manipulate HTML to change how something is displayed to you PHP is a language used to dynamically display web pages, it can manipulate HTML or connect it to databases. This forum is heavily written in PHP CSS is a markup language, it helps standardize how HTML is displayed, based on the groups a container, element, etc is part of. RoR is an acronym for Ruby on Rails, often called just "Rails". To start, Ruby is a general-use programming language, designed to be dynamic and completely flexible. RoR is on rails because it is a Web Application Framework. It takes code written in Ruby or similar languages and creates javascript, HTML, etc to process page requests. RoR is very abstract and can take days or weeks to learn well. Javascript is a web scripting language used to process user input, page changes, server information, etc. etc. It is used as the base of a number of other languages/frame works (Node.js, Ajax, etc), and can do anything from change the placement of a box, process clicks, or pull data from a server. [*]C/C++/C# C Is a very widely used, low-level programming language. It is what many Operating Systems, or hardware-level (aka low-level) pieces or software are written in. C++ is exactly like C, except more advanced. The biggest difference is that C++ is what is called an Object-Oriented language (Details of Object-Oriented Programming are a bit more advanced than I will be going over in this post). Along with this difference, C++ adds modern syntaxing and structures that were not originally part of C. Additionally, since C was "invented" before the rise of the internet, C++ adds a lot of functionality and extends things like sockets and network comparability, process threading (for multi-core processing). C++ is probably more widely used than C these days for this exact reason, you can do more, in essentially the same language (really short summary) C# is another fork of C. It is more "C-like" and less a direct fork of traditional C. Is is usually based in the .NET framework, and therefore many people prefer to program C# in Visual Studio. Many Microsoft users and developers use C# for its ease of getting started, but it is a very capable and expansive language. At the same time, it requires a number of libraries to run it and can therefore seem "heavy" [*]JAVA JAVA is a very versatile programming language, that took a number of ideas from C and expanded them. The main purpose was to make JAVA usable on any platform (since back in the day C didn't play nice on every computer, think Windows vs Mac) JAVA is pretty easy to use and get started. [*]Weapon and player modeling Pretty self-explanatory, wrapping images to player and weapon models. [*]Map making This is a large category. This could include everything from make setup, compilation, Valve Hammer, LUA, etc etc. [*]LUA/Source Pawn (SM/SMX) LUA and Source Pawn are what most server plugins are based in. Clients can also run mods in LUA (and often do), where SP is pretty much 100% server side. SP is the language that Source Mod runs. [*]Git/Source management Git is a set of tools for managing changes to code, or anything really. It tracks changes to text documents directly, but can track versions of things like images as well. It is very versitile and useful for tracking changes and versions of documents or code. I leave it open so "Source management" because there are other ways to do it besides Git. It is common to use sites like GitHub to manage these repositories. blah blah blah Sources/learning material: My suggested development environments: HTML: Dream Weaver ($20 for students, talk to me if you need help getting it) or Eclipse for Web Devs PHP: Dream Weaver or Eclipse for PHP CSS: Dream Weaver or Eclipse for Web Devs RoR: RubyMine (Free for Sudents: http://www.jetbrains.com/student/) Javascript: WebStorm (Same as RubyMine above) or Eclipse for Web Devs C/C++: Eclipse for C/C++ or Visual Studio C#: Visual Studio or Rider (Same as RubyMine and WebStrom above) Java: Eclipse for JAVA or IntelliJ Map Making: Hammer (Download through steam) Modeling: 3DS Max (Free for Students) or ZBrush ($400+) or Blender (Free) LUA: Eclipse for LUA or ZeroBrane Studio Source Pawn: Pawn Studio Git: Git for Windows or SourceTree or TortoiseGit If all else fails, you could always use something like Notepad++ Information, Getting started, Tools, Tutorials: HTML https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML http://www.w3schools.com/html/ https://www.codecade...er-en-HZA3b/0/1 http://html.com/ [*]PHP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP http://www.w3schools.com/php/ https://www.codecademy.com/learn/php https://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/ [*]CSS https://en.wikipedia...ng_Style_Sheets http://www.w3schools.com/css/ http://www.w3schools...s/css_intro.asp https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ [*]RoR/Ruby on Rails (HIGHLY suggest developing in Linux/Mac, or Linux VM. Windows will make you have your life!!!) https://en.wikipedia...i/Ruby_on_Rails https://www.tutorial...ntroduction.htm http://guides.rubyon...ng_started.html https://www.railstutorial.org/book [*]Javascript https://en.wikipedia...wiki/Javascript http://www.w3schools.com/js/ https://www.codecade...earn/javascript https://www.codescho...earn/javascript [*]C (Many of these can be used for C++ too) https://en.wikipedia...amming_language https://www.tutorial...mming/index.htm https://learncodethehardway.org/c/ http://www.programiz.com/c-programming [*]C++ ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ http://www.tutorials....com/cplusplus/ http://www.learncpp.com/ http://www.cprogramming.com/ [*]C# ​https://en.wikipedia...amming_language https://www.tutorialspoint.com/csharp/ https://msdn.microso.../67ef8sbd.aspx? http://csharp-statio...nsoleSetup.aspx [*]JAVA https://en.wikipedia...amming_language https://www.codecade...earn/learn-java https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/ https://docs.oracle....avase/tutorial/ [*]Weapon and Player Modeling https://www.youtube....Ug3NXut5qGOdgYg https://www.youtube....LMfTKWS56tOiQpw [*]Map Making https://developer.va..._Level_Creation http://forums.steamp...d.php?t=2897586 http://steamcommunit...s/?id=165009177 https://developer.va...Getting_Started https://developer.va...e_Hammer_Editor [*]LUA/Source Pawn (SM/SMX) https://en.wikipedia...amming_language https://www.lua.org/start.html http://luatut.com/crash_course.html http://www.gamedev.n...-tutorial-r2999 [*]Source Pawn ​https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Introduction_to_sourcepawn https://wiki.alliedm...t/Pawn_tutorial http://www.mechathes...ning-SourcePawn [*]Git https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git https://www.atlassia.../git/tutorials/ https://git-scm.com/docs/gittutorial https://try.github.i.../1/challenges/1 http://www.tutorialspoint.com/git/ If anyone has any questions, or has something to add to these, please do. This is a very quick summary of each point.
    1 point
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