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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/19 in all areas

  1. For those that care the steam summer sale starts tomorrow. According to google anyway...
    4 points
  2. Welcome to the community!
    3 points
  3. Who wants to see these in our HeLLsGamers merch store? Please give me some feedback as to what colors and the types of mugs you guys would like to see.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Welcome to the HeLLsGamers CS:S Division! We are glad to see that you joined our gaming community. This guide will help you get started as a recruit. 1. Are there general rules and guidelines that are to be followed inside servers and out of servers? Yes! We expect everyone to treat others with decency, courtesy, and respect when playing on any of our servers. The same applies when using Teamspeak, Discord, the forums, or any other platform as you represent the community. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Rules & Guidelines. This includes our Anti-Harrassment Policy as well. 2. Who are my current Division Leaders? HG | Lucas15 [L] | STEAM_0:0:18031915 SERVER MANAGER 3. Who are my current Staff Members? HG | Bosch [S] | STEAM_0:1:5120789 HG | DetectiveYellnow [S] | STEAM_0:0:43384997 4. Who are my current Moderators? [HG] DAPPERxDUCK [M] | STEAM_0:1:11850455 [HG]mperial [M] | STEAM_0:1:59652234 [HG] KikkoMan [M] | STEAM_0:0:203088 5. How active do I need to be in the community? We would like to see as much activity as possible. Activity helps with future promotions. Join our Teamspeak and Discord servers and chat with other recruits and members. We love to see everyone active and interacting with the community! We would like to see at least 1 post per month. You should log in and check the forums once every 30 days as well. 6. What are the perks of being in HeLLsGamers? Being in the community allows you to attend events. Most of our events are exclusive to recruits and members, and they tend to have really nice prizes. Events are always posted on the calendar. You can set a reminder for the day of an event so you don't forget about it. We regularly do raffles and giveaways where only recruits+ are eligible to enter. You can join these in our Raffles/Giveaways forum. In addition, there is the opportunity to a become Moderator or even move into a leadership role. More information on this is found below. 7. When can I move up to [HG] Member? After being a recruit for 2 months, you can apply to become a [HG] Member. One of the requirements is 10 forum posts. If you need a hand getting started, check out these forums and topics: Post an Introduction and Welcome Others Share How You Found HG Comment on the Latest News Discuss Your Hobbies Tell the First Game You Remember Playing These are just a small portion of the topics and discussions you can find across the forums. Look around and find what appeals to you! The second requirement is achieving five +1 votes from other Members, Veterans, and members of leadership. They vote based on your activity and behavior in your time as a Recruit. Being active and keeping your nose clean will definitely help! See the [HG] Promotion Forum to get an idea of how the process goes. 8. What do I do if I have any kind of issue or I need to report a player? Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have an issue or need to report a player. Follow this chain of command when seeking help: Moderators -> Divisional Staff -> Divisional Leaders We also have a thread available for any kind of issues or feedback as well if you choose to post publicly here. 9. Where can I leave feedback or suggestions? We greatly appreciate receiving any feedback and suggestions you have regarding the division. These help us improve for the betterment of HG. We have a dedicated thread for recruits and members to voice their concerns. It can be found here. 10. How can I move up within the community? There are a handful of ways to move up in HeLLsGamers. There are also plenty of places you can move up in outside of just gaming divisions. HeLLsGamers Community Engagement (HGCE) or HeLLsGamers Development Community (HGDC) are other potential areas you may be interested in. Having good activity is a key quality we look for when considering people for promotions. This includes in-game, forum, Teamspeak, and Discord activity. If you notice players causing problems or hacking, report those to divisional moderators or leadership. Stay out of drama! We strive to maintain a welcoming environment for everyone. Don't be part of the problem, be the solution. Loyalty and dedication also go a very long way. Showing you truly want to help can get you places. 11. How can I become a moderator on the servers? Occasionally, we look for new Moderators to step up and help monitor our servers. You must be a [HG] Member or HG | Veteran to apply. However, you may apply as an -hg- Recruit if you receive a recommendation for CS:S leadership. If you meet the requirement and would like to apply, go here. Alternatively, you can purchase Gold+ for $20/month and receive admin on all of our servers. This is done in the HG Store. 12. How can I support HeLLsGamers? There are plenty of ways to support the community. If you'd like to contribute financially, consider making a donation here. If you can't donate, there are other ways you can help. Recruiting your friends that enjoy our servers is a great way to help us grow. We also have a handful of social media sites you can follow us on: Facebook Instagram Steam Group Twitch Twitter YouTube If you have any questions that weren't answered here, feel free to reach out to a Division Staff or Division Leader. They are here to help you.
    1 point
  6. My Tiny-Toy Poodle "Liz" turned 8 years old today! Photo's from today: When she was 2 years old: First day we had her: She's been through almost a dozen surgeries in the past few years for her back legs due to a hereditary issue, as well as life-threatening dehydration issues that this breed is commonly known for. I cannot explain how lucky and endlessly happy I am to have her with me...
    1 point
  7. CS:GO Jailbreak is back up and better than ever! I'm very pleased to be announcing this to you all. Big thanks to @FreeHugs for working on and fixing the server for us! paste this into your browser to connect steam://connect/
    1 point
  8. I agree with brgr. I've been waiting for shirts to go up on the shop!
    1 point
  9. *shaking intensifies* I mean yeah I would buy one... if I wasn't bork...
    1 point
  10. I'd definitely buy the one with the HG logo and "HeLLsGamers" on it.
    1 point
  11. Welcome to our community! Let me or my staff know if you need any help with anything. We are glad to have you
    1 point
  12. I think that mug looks fine! Still waiting for those damn shirts. Whatever happened to those?
    1 point
  13. This is awesome @Dvorat Thank you for sharing!
    1 point
  14. I might make it there, just going to say maybe, I might have things to do on that day. Sounds like fun tho
    1 point
  15. LOL, @BOSCH, are you trying not to cough because you're a virgin to Tabacco? Or are You trying not to laugh at how easy it would be to take that pic and make it into a meme?
    1 point
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