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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/19 in all areas

  1. Never won NPST so I decided to draw it black and white.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. So anyone here like sourdough bread? I made three seperate sourdough starters and they are too damn sour.
    1 point
  4. In no particular order: - KOR -campert -Killer Queen -White -Lambs -Claptrap -Bill 0_0 All of these people make me lose faith in humans winning :')
    1 point
  5. @Old Bill I think there was a time when we adjusted the RTV system by lowering the percent of players required to say "Yes" for it to succeed, and when that happened, players abused it. What @Talbot says above is proof of this. By lowering the required percentage for the RTV to succeed, players who dislike maps because they don't like it and/ or don't want T6 cades to win will exploit this change and yell out an RTV vote for stupid reasons. As I said above, given that most players on our server listen to the first person who shouts something out, if someone shouts out for an RTV, others will subconsciously follow, turning the system into a tool players use for their own selfish reasons. Testing the waters is fine, but when it has to be done live, that's risky, and most of us already know what could happen should we lower the required vote percentage for an RTV to succeed. Sure, that could work. Or go with 80% to be safe.
    1 point
  6. That would ruin the fun of winning. If people spent hundreds of points, or empty their entire bank account, to win a game, only to always profit in the end, then that would make winning boring and lame. I'm not one to say that players should earn profit all the time, that's what every ZS player is working towards every map, but humans rarely win on ZS. A victory on any map is a rare moment where even if you're down 500 points and in the negative, you'll find enjoyment out of contributing to the team in some way when you win in the end, and that's fun. No offense, but like many point-whore ideas I've seen suggested for Zombie Survival, this sounds like another idea made with a point-whore mentality.
    1 point
  7. We've seen a lot of Steam users lose access to their Steam accounts. Most often its because an attacker has compromised a user's email account. That email account can then be used to change the password and email address on that user's Steam account, blocking access to their games and items. There are several methods attackers use that are hard to combat: malware in the guise of other programs like a TeamSpeak update or missing audio codec or a CS:GO weapon upgrader!, malware disguised as images and screenshots, identifying users who reuse passwords on their Steam and email accounts, or via an exploit in their web browser or operating system. It's a complicated situation and even very sophisticated Steam users can fall victim. Any Steam user who has made a purchase or earned a trading card has value in their account and should use these new features to protect it and all the time invested. Account recovery with a phone number Add a phone number to my account Read the FAQ By associating a phone number with your Steam Account you can easily regain access if: You forget your password You lose access to your email account You get a new smartphone or lose your mobile authenticator Your account is compromised Steam can send you a text message to get you back into your account. Steam Mobile Authenticator through the Steam Mobile app Get the Steam Mobile app Read the FAQ Using the Steam Mobile app on iOS or Android, you can: Confirm log ins to your Steam account Confirm trades Confirm Community Market listings Using a second device (aka 2 factor authorization) makes it very difficult for an attacker to access your account, even if they obtain your password, without physical access to your mobile device. You can manage your Account Security and phone number anytime from your Account Details page. View the full article
    1 point
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