Glad to have won this Blue Snowball Microphone, I want to thank HeLLsGamers and EddieCam for hosting this event. It's really awesome to be able to participate in different gamemodes and different games with the community and a bonus to be able to win actual prizes. The last event I played in was capture the flag on CSS, and that was insane considering the fact that the prizes were a $10 steam code to the members on the winning team. Hence you can guess how competitive people get when there are actual prizes involved. My personal opinion is to take note of upcoming events, look at prizes, look at those who RSVP, and try to make it to the outstanding events HG and our event team is hosting. They put in phenomenal work to make sure the maps are good, the scripts are good, and everything flows properly considering the server operations, the population of the event, and proper advertisement of said event. Participate in events whenever you can, it not only helps us populate the community and our servers, it unites members from different divisions to compete, have fun, and play games together; after all, that is what we are here for. Hope to see you guys in some upcoming events, good luck, and have fun.